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Old School Minis \  where are they now?

where are they now?

Old School Minis General Discussions
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2lowtoy   +1y
I know were the isuzu is its here in Colo and has been traded a few times and is for sale again. Here are some recents pics of it. If I had the money it would be sitting in my garage.

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speedylowz   +1y
Couple I wondered where they are now?I know where this one is ha ha ha
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gimp5561   +1y
loamigo was at carlile last year with no motor just sitting with a hard top.
speedylowz   +1y
Edited: 5/1/2008 4:19:37 PM by Speedylowz

Lomigo was one of my favorites & here are a couple more My favorite Taco is Brandt's.

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///RELAXED 720   +1y
That's Rob Septors' last I heard he still had it...

This is Bruce Riveras' zuzu. He sold it a few yrs ago & it had traded hands a time or two I believe. Last time I saw it it was torn up a little bit...Bruce passed away last July after which, his friends tracked the truck down & got it back. Plans are to rebuild it to what you see it the picture..R.I.P. Bruce

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dh798824   +1y

the blue unibodied hard body. i saw it up forsale in arizona for like 3000. they had sanded all the paint off and had primered it. it is pertty far gone. the truck i have always wondered about was the toyota the was body dropped and the last i saw of it it was lifted about 24 inch on 44 anyone have any new pics of the toyota

lucky_brew   +1y
Edited: 5/1/2008 6:12:56 PM by lucky_brew

hey speedy - that 4th pic down of the red xtra cab s10 w/ the boyd merroder wheels on it is Herbie Allen's old s10. He sold it a while back.

He used to run with david caldwell (the bad ass 2 door black/silver s10 blazer) david parted that blazer out and the engine went to Farva that owned blazerado first.

caldwell now has a lamborghini! no shit. dude has sik amounts of cheese!
jojot   +1y
Last I know "a few months ago" that blue nissan with the graphic that cal concepts did was in Mississippi owned by lowrydes a couple of posts up.
ibagurs   +1y
Edited: 5/1/2008 6:57:37 PM by ibagurs

I own aftermath now. it was traded a few times once it got to cali from texas. the guy i picked it up from has had it for the last 7 or 8 years. its preety tore up, but i am going to bring it back.
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crewcabondubs   +1y
Edited: 5/1/2008 6:55:56 PM by crewcabondubs

Originally posted by Speedylowz

Couple I wondered where they are now?

that one now looks like this!


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