maz duh
I drove my old Mazda daily in the summer(it was bagged) and had zero problems with it as far as stuff breaking. The fuel pump crapped out but that could happen to any vehicle. The thing that got anoying that I'm surprised no one has mentioned is the constant stream of ppl who want to check it out or ask questions about your setup. Don't get me wrong, I love talking trucks, its just that its not always convienent to do so. For example when I stop to get gas on the way to work and there is someone hammering me with questions as I'm trying to leave. Some ppl take the hint but there are others who don't. They just seem to feel you're being rude by trying leave before they are out of breath or questions, whichever comes first. I'll probably do it again though with the Yota when its back on the road, I'm a begger for punishment I guess. There is also the whole attempting to fly under the radar issue with cops as I try unsucessfully to blend into a sea of commuter traffic with my hooked up mini but I'll save that one for another day. Just my two cents anyways, do what you like.