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Mini Truckin General \  Fellow SSM Member needs your positive thoughts and prayers

Fellow SSM Member needs your positive thoughts and prayers

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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drgginisuzu92   +1y
hope every thing goes great

Keep you in our thoughts and prayers
BaggedMazda87   +1y
Prayin for him and your fam brotha, I know it's much harder on you than on him so I feel for ya brotha. I know you don't believe in God but mane I be throwin up prayers for him hommie believe that! I know you'll let us know asap so I'll be checkin back for sure.

c10onfire   +1y
our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, Lucky, from the family.
DrGnRiCe94   +1y
The PRiCeLe$s crew is praying for you and wishes nothing but the best.

CivicTukn19s   +1y
Lucky my prayers go out to you and your family.
lucky_brew   +1y
Edited: 4/4/2008 4:49:08 PM by lucky_brew

thanks for all your positive thoughts and prayers guys. it was a shock when i got home to read all these post! my mom was baby sitting and called us wed. night and told us he had a fever. the weather has sucked so we just figured a cold. thursday morning his fever spiked 103.7 and wouldnt come down and he was having trouble breathing. being that he is only 11 weeks old it was a major concern so he was rushed to the e.r. and admitted. as of today, april 3rd, Ethan is still in the hospital and will probably be there until monday... they simply cant find the source of the infection. his white blood cell count is extremely high and he is still keeping a high fever. they have done strep, rsv, e-coli, meningitis, flu, influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia test - all negative! the have bacterial cultures taking growth to see what grows and what it is at this time. he is in great hands though. we are at the Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital in Nashville. its one of the best if not the best. the accomidations are fabulous (place looks like disney world) and the staff is incredible! anyhoo, he is starting to eat. he is now off the i.v. and monitors as well. Hes a tough little shit like his pops so im sure he'll be fine! just kind of freaky that they are arms in the air though... well, im off to head back to nashville. i had to get some clothes, take care of the dogs, etc... i'll keep you guys posted... thanks again for the love! here is the little guy thursday evening here is the magic hospital! you guys should check out this place!
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jsondrops   +1y
dude thanks for the update!
that looks like an amazing hospital!Looks like there are a few people on here that don't hate you...
get well soon lil E
dirty   +1y
hope all goes well for your son and your family. it looks like hes in good hands
zadaddy   +1y
glad to know lil' brew is doing better...keep us posted!
lucky_brew   +1y
just got home to let the dogs out, etc... just wanted to post an update since my phone barely works inside the hospital this morning Ethan was taken to have an ultra sound done of some of his internals... they think he may have an infection in his urinary tract, kidneys or bladder somewhere. i'll let someone know as soon as i find out. thanks again.