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Body work and Paint \  Painter opf the year Danny Albert from Albert Designs

Painter opf the year Danny Albert from Albert Designs

Body work and Paint Q & A
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xxpapabearxx   +1y
Another message to prove that Danny Albert is a piece of shit guy and doesn't value peoples car or money, he admits that he draws cocks in peoples paint jobs... I'm seriously starting to think he has an obsession about them, since his chick left him for being a crack head...

"man u need to chill the fuck out u do not scare me with your fat ya i said fat ass grow the fuck up do you win awards yes u do so dont show your car off like it is cool look at all the cocks in your paint job ya fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lets roll ass hole u want my adress u fuckin ppuussyyyyyy"
lost cause   +1y
slamdblazer   +1y
Yea i feel you dude for gettin screwed, but honestly i give Albert props for making a name for himself and gaining popularity but i honestly think the tacoma he painted and his other stuff is honestly not even that great and shouldnt be getting the hype it does.
If you lived closer i would do some probono work for you becasue your car looks horrid, sorry. and ive done tighter work on hard hats and im sure Lost Cause would agree because he does way better work and gets half the recognition Albert does.
xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by slamdblazer

Yea i feel you dude for gettin screwed, but honestly i give Albert props for making a name for himself and gaining popularity but i honestly think the tacoma he painted and his other stuff is honestly not even that great and shouldnt be getting the hype it does. If you lived closer i would do some probono work for you becasue your car looks horrid, sorry. and ive done tighter work on hard hats and im sure Lost Cause would agree because he does way better work and gets half the recognition Albert does.

You're right, he's a no body, but like the magazine has put him out there as one of the best in the world, I'm on a mission to let every one know that he's not, he's just a crack head that knows how to paint and does it to buy more crack... As long as I can pass the work around and show that he's just a piece of shit guy that likesto screw people over I'll be good knowing that I helped some one from getting screwed... I really don't like my car, so I know what you mean by horrid, I don't even drive it any more... This guy is such a crack head, he owes all the paint stores around him thousands of dollars cuz of his insufficiant funds... You can help me and others by passing the word...
B_Y_O_B   +1y
it honestly dont look like that bad of a paintjob, just the worlds worst clear job. the guy looks like a decent artist just not a good painter. its easy enough to fix just buzz the whole car with some 1000 on a da and reclear it, or cut and buff whats on there but from the look of it youll be sandin that peal for quite a while! on a side note that dude desirves to go outta business, if a customer feels like theyregetting burned then you fix the shit. this thread is perfect proof that one unhappy customer will tell as many people as they can. id say that 99% of my business is from word of mouth
ilovebeer   +1y
wow.. that looks like ass... and what the hell did they clear the car with aerosol cans lol...
2fistin   +1y
let's see pix of the cocks LOL nah but seriously like BIG-E said it looked sick as fuk at danger zone I shoulda paid more attention to it tho
Uncle Fester   +1y
Would it be to much to ask to get a few pics of the overall car? Front back and sides? Thanks and good luck on getting it fixed. Glad I got a great guy painting my Ranger

4uhaters   +1y
I think albert is good painter he has skills....Should have taking ur sh!t to Lost Cause...He would have done u right...I think he has way more skills then Albert just my thoughts
xxpapabearxx   +1y
Originally posted by 4uhaters

I think albert is good painter he has skills....Should have taking ur sh!t to Lost Cause...He would have done u right...I think he has way more skills then Albert just my thoughts

I believe you bro... I have seen better stuff after I had already lost my money... The only thing that Danny Albert is painting now are shirts cuz no one wants to take their cars or hard earned money to him, he had a good thing going on, he had a $40K G35 that was given to him to paint, home boy lost it cuz it was more important to him to paint shirts and start a stupid WidowMaker clothing label then to paint the car, they checked up on the frame and it wasn't even touched so they pulled that job from him too, so he went from painting bad ass rides to only being able to paint shirts now... He went out of business before he even started it, that's what he gets for being piece of shit... He still talks shit and admits that he doesn't give a shit... This dude is so much of a piece of shit that the only place that would sell him paint was house of kolors cuz all the other paint stores around the Riverside area stopped after he bounced checks for over $3k at each place and they are still looking for him... His gurl left him cuz she busted him doing crack again, so right now or not that he even did but doesn't care about doing people right, all that he wants is the money for crack... I will post more pictures of the stuff that's fucked up with my car...