Originally posted by LittleShopLackey
EVERYBODY THAT CAME: I hope you had a great time and it seems like the BEER / BBQ hit the spot. I spent around 300 bucks on beer (and bought among other brands every PBR in the city limits--no kidding) but that was the least I could do for the guys that drove 7 or 8 hours to hang out at the shop for a day. I feel bad Ace and Skyler couldn't make it because of transmission problems half-way here in the black Hummer. But we'll see if Johnny O will let us photoshop them into the StreetTrucks pics.
Thanks everybody for coming.-Eric
hey eric thanks for the invite i had a good time and my son he even had a better time he went to school monday and actuall wrote about it. ill just not bring a cap gun with him next time lol.