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Mini Truckin General \  show season and gas prices

show season and gas prices

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 31
following 30
gorillagarage   +1y
who else is staying home this summer just had a kid and bought a house i dont think we will be going nowhere but indy this year
idrgbdy   +1y
ya i'm in dayton, oh and plan to drive the dime with the new v8 in it to tennesee a couple times, southwest kentucky, michigan, and indy. i keep thinking how much more in debt i can get with the price of gas, show entrance fees, hotels, alcohol, tickets, etc....

oh well, i'm die hard and have already decided i will be payin bills for the rest of my life. what's a few more bills, as long as i'm enjoyin the scene in a badass truck with cool friends.
Wicked Fantacies   +1y
i feel ya on the everything hitting ya at once plus gas prices. Hell the chevy dealership down here has a sale going 30-40% off all trucks. Sounds good but no one can afford the gas at $4 a gallon.
unusualfabrication   +1y
I'll go to local shows but as far as anything out of state goes you can probably count me out. When its cost more to drive there than staying for a whole weekend I have to draw the line.
ill be hitting up both coasts this summer
MIOTCH616   +1y
needless to say im glad i decided not to do the v8 conversion on the runner! the 4 banger can take me long ways on the cheap gas!
BabyYouWish   +1y
Edited: 4/30/2008 3:48:56 PM by BabyYouWish

I hit 19 or 20 shows last season including Indy, Missouri, Connecticut twice, North Carolina twice, New York, Pennsylvania, Jersey etc. etc.

This season I am looking at cutting back to 13-14 shows. I know I won't be back out as far as Missouri or Indy this year. Connecticut probably only once, who knows.

Thank god for my 4 cylinder mini and my 4 cylinder daily!!!!

Think of how this effects companies like Drop Em Wear who are at shows EVERY WEEKEND... and all over the damn place. Those guys deserve a hell of a lot of credit!

2tonesdime5   +1y
im gonna cut back some.. and the ones i do go to i will be driving the mitsubishi to.. no trailoring
ShaveDnFlamed99   +1y
I'm not even putting insurance back on my truck for the summer. just gonna keep it home and tear it apart. figured now is a good time to start a back half and motor swap
Firehazarad   +1y
yea i went to like 14 last year with a a trailer screw that i just driving it this year..