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Mini Truckin General \  show season and gas prices

show season and gas prices

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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pasomike   +1y
here the lowest price is like 4 bucks a gallon. my truck runs 91 and it sucks but i wont keep me from going to shows as long as they are in cali. i just drove 6hrs last weekend to redding for a show. thank got for being able to sell stuff on ebay.
disfiguredS10   +1y
I'm towing my s10 for the first time to s&j in a few weeks. I'm gonna pull it with a dodge 440 powered winnebago. Even at 8 mpg it'll be cheaper than the hotel I was at last year. Gas isn't going to get any cheaper, so I'm gonna do as many shows as I can afford just like always.
ShakinPlates   +1y
Paso is full of lies.... he and are both in the same boat and it has nothing to do with gas.... its called dead end jobs and bald tires.
travis98s10   +1y
I'm getting 11-12 mpg towing and don't expect much different in my s-10. Still trying to hit 1-2 shows every month if I can get some people to split the gas and hotel costs. If money is tight then it's not much difference since last year if you don't tow and have 4 people together in a car. Overall I think this show season will still be good, but people will be hitting more local shows instead.
gimp5561   +1y
i was lookin foward too going too some shoes this summer that i had never went too still going to a few but not all i had planed. it cost me $2000.00 too go to RESO and fuel was like $3.25 this shit has went up $1.00 in the last 5 months. lucky for me my dodge will get 16 mpg towing
disfiguredS10   +1y
16mpg...not bad, I'm curious to see how my tahoe would do, but i think the rv will be alot of fun.
lucky_brew   +1y
im going to a few shows but im cutting cost by staying at friends houses close to certain shows!

so far ive got midwest drag fest, scrapin the coast and indy covered w/ practically free rooms!

btw: ive got room for 2 more peeps at my house for the slammin-jammin show coming up! im only 30-40 mins from the show site!

DropEmWear   +1y
Just leaving for gator drag 1700 miles one way at $4.20 a gallon with 10mpg....OUCH! Its deffinitely hitting the wallet this year. We are trying not to cut any shows out of our schedule this year but only time will tell. We love the scene , the friends we have made and all it offers. Still havn't raised our prices in the last 4 years and are sticking to our guns this year and keeping them the same to help our customers keep some loot in their pockets. Thanks for the props sure you know how much it cost to get to the shows considering you attend almost as many shows as we do to shoot for your site. See you at gator drag!

John Beebe
Drop Em wear? Clothing
corey0814   +1y
i feel guilty about drop zone, but i can't justify a 3 hour drive @ 8mpg in the dually to tow the toy there for only a 1 day show. been the last few years & had a blast, but a 1 day? i'll most likely still go if i take the corolla or the wife's odyssey, but no truck to show.

granth   +1y
i usually only got to 3 hows a year, so its not affecting me. my work is affecting me more than gas prices. im just changing up what shows i go to!