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Mini Truckin General \  Tell tell signs......ECM.

Tell tell signs......ECM.

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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thacru78   +1y
What are the tell tell signs of an ECM being fried. I was shaving the tailights of a 06 Silverado today and now it won't start or anything. I don't hear the usual click whenever I reconnect the battery. Sad part is, the battery was disconnected. I'm not sure what the deal is. I disconnected the battery, turned on the headlights to make sure there was no charge left in the system just like i've done 100 times on trucks. I go to start the truck up and nothing. The compressors run, doors pop, alarm sets, but nothing when I turn the key on. This sucks. Any advice.
thacru78   +1y
Edited: 4/30/2008 9:24:57 PM by thacru78

What sucks worse.....the guy who does my muffler work never disconnects the batteries when he welds on mufflers. He's never had a problem. I always make him do it on trucks I take to him just to be careful. I was being careful and I think it happened anyways. I found a couple ECM's at a local junk yard for $100. But I don't want to buy the part and then it still not fix the problem. Any other idea what it might be.
doordraggintaco   +1y
u probably disconnected the fuel pump ground when you unhooked the taillights.
munk3yx   +1y
usually ecm would be like no fuel or spark check and make sure your getting voltage to the fuel pump
Byrdman   +1y
also some of the newer factory security sytems will have a kill switch when you do something like that. are there any security lights or a sold red light on when you try to start it. u might have triggered it when messing with the voltage.
thacru78   +1y
There aint nothing happening. Cluster wont light up, door dinger, headlights, taillights, nothin. I can disconnect the battery, wait a while, then reconnect it, and nothing clicks, turns on, nothing. Its as if the alarm, poppers, and compressors are getting juice but the rest of the trucks not. That's why i thought it was the ECM, cause the whole truck is dead. Like a fuse is blown, for the whole truck.
Uncle Fester   +1y
So everything aftermarket is working and everything factory is not

thacru78   +1y
Originally posted by Uncle Fester

So everything aftermarket is working and everything factory is not

LOL pretty much....thats a change.
societyoutkast   +1y
customers truck ??
thacru78   +1y
Originally posted by society_outkast

customers truck ??

Sadly.....He's a good friend of kind of a customer/friend hookup.

Only thing else it might be is I took the fenders off to put in fenders and round bar the lips...a wire might of come lose. But I don't see it totally shuting down the truck like that. That's why I was trying to get some info on the ECM. I've never had a ECM mess up nor have I talked to anyone who has. Like I said, my muffler guy welds on everything without removing the batter cables, and has never had a problem. The battery wasn't even in the truck whenever I was welding. So IDFK.