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Mini Truckin General \  whats happening to it

whats happening to it

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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///RELAXED 720   +1y
Originally posted by Hc Daytona Dragger

truck was built in Florida by RAW (Rhodes auto works)about 5 years ago, then ANT bought it and finished it........

to the best of my knowledge the truck was started by RAW for Ant...I know he had the frame on display at slamfest 00-01 & the truck was at blooddrag in 02-03...but I could be wrong it's happened before ...

mazberrydelight   +1y
30k isa very reasonable price for that truck , problem is minitruckers in general are the cheapest SOBs around .
DW WERKS   +1y
one of my favorite trucks i think hes got that much money in it in time ..... but the sorry ass world we live in in its only worth what someone will pay.
gimp5561   +1y
there is no fucking way that this truck could be built for 30k.if you are paying a shop fora custom built you are paying $100 or more an hour in labor never mind the parts and fab work. i have seen this truck from the get go at showes if FL. no it is not perfect (nothing is) but it is very very close. good luck with the sell, just hope whoever buyes it takes care of it.
P   +1y
Originally posted by dragginoval

Originally posted by P

Edited: 5/3/2008 9:00:03 AM by P

gm crate motor.. 2500 bucks, all the polished eldelbrock shit you can find, probably another 1500, march front setup, since its v belt, 500-600 bucks.... i'm sure its like every other truck running a th350, rebuilt they are like 350-400 bucks, its a zu rear, probably 400 in rebuilding it.

far cry from 10g's.

i too work in a hot rod shop and i too know why those parts cost so much, but a hot rod shop pushes something like a john moss built 350 or something along those lines, not the average Joe GM 350/350 crate motor.

edit, i think the motor is actually a 383 in that thing.. a stroker kit is barely a g for the whole thing.. then another 500 to build it.. unless of course, you get raped.

2500 for engine1000 for stroker kit1500 in chrome600 march v belt

350 tranny, buy it. and possibly rebuild (they dont come stock in a Zu)

your forgetting..... re-gear the rear end,custom drive shaft,Do a full Painless of whatever wiring system with full ignition system, distributor, etc.carb and fuel delivery systemOh and on top of all that, everything is custom painted to match, and I dont think he got the engine cover built for freePlus installation of everything. ... 10gs easily. can you do it for less? yes, get a crapped out motor and tranny rebuild it, throw some chrome on it and call it a day But it wont look 1/2 as good as his does.

we had $60k into the driveline of a 36 ford before When you start trying to hang with the big boys you better have some deep pockets.

the cheapest rod that leaves the shop i work at, isnt less then 80g's. infact we just RESTORED a 72 shortbed, only mods we did was leather interior, 17's and a ramjet 350 with a 700r4. cost of the truck was right above 85,000. i know how deep pockets have to be and i know what it costs to do things. period. if you have 10g's in that motor, tranny and rear end, then you bent over.

and sorry, but re-gearing a zu rear, is that even possible? no one makes much for those and a custom driveshaft is like 250 bucks, maybe 300. if its chrome add 200 or so to it.
onelow96cs   +1y
who cares how much people want out of there rides and how much people spend on them. Get and do what you can afford. All you guys do is get all worked up when a truck you love is to much money for you to own.
truck action   +1y
Yes,it isn't about what you spend or if you pay someone to build it! It's about the love you have for a custom truck,that is yours by design or build!!And the deeper you go the more it will cost!!
You will never get your money back,it isn't about that!!
35hundo   +1y
you say 10gs on a driveline is gettin bent, I say 85Gs on a c10 is getting bent. We dont need to do a whose dick is bigger contest here on who works at the higher end shop. you've got one opinion and I have another. its apples and oranges.
Gary is right. its not an investment its a hobby, go ask a golfer if he sells his clubs will he get all his $$ back he spent on Tee times over the years, ummm no. He'll say its a hobby, same with custom cars, mini's etc. if you want an investment buy a piece of property. Oh and the fools that think they gett alllll their money back they sink into old cars are just that, fools. you can lose money in old cars too there are no guarantees just better chances though.

Oh and I didnt know they only made one possible gear ratio for a Zu rear end, that sucks balls. personally I'd throw any stock rear out for a 9" or IRS.
layedoutdreams   +1y
Edited: 5/4/2008 6:37:45 PM by LayedOutDreams

I agree with the hot rod argument. Everyone says it's a lot of money, but people pay over $100k for hot rods that have the same kind of work and craftmanship put into them. I don't see why just because it's a minitruck it should be worth way less
blk210   +1y
I have like 5 grand or so in my driveline in my 55 belair and i did alot of stuff myself or at wholesale through my shop and another 10k in everything else from chrome to wiring, ignition, cooling, wheels tires, suspension, and from the outside mine looks like a barn find with flat black and primer spots other than the stance or big tires as long as it isnt running. I dont care what its worth to anyone else or the fact that the stock car next to it is believed to out perform mine because of all their billet parts, it does bring a smile to my face wherever i take it though when my raggity looking belair gets more attention then the pristine ones. :naughty: