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Mini Truckin General \  whats happening to it

whats happening to it

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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dragmatic   +1y
Edited: 5/5/2008 1:08:28 PM by dragmatic

I've never had the opportunity to see Ant's truck in person but I've been drooling over the build of it ever since I saw the frame for the first time in that little pic in MT. It's funny that this topic came up b/c for the past week we've been talking about rides that we would love to have in our "stable". Ant's Isuzu was definitely at the top of my list as was Chris's black (64?) Chevy and many others. I don't think this thing ever got the respect that it deserved and I really hate that folks didn't get that opportunity.

it is very possible that he has exactly what he says in this truck and I don't doubt it for one second. I built my hunk of a Mazda and had an ungodly amount of time and $$ in what looked like nothing. My build was done at a cheaper build price through a very good friend and with a few freebies from gracious sponsors.

Opinions like the ones that have been displayed in here are the exact reason that this site and the whole scene have deteriorated so badly. I keep hoping that it will stop and things will get better but for now I guess I'll just keep spending my time going to hang out with the "Murrays" at the old car shows.

Oh yeah and one quote that definitely applies here...

"Good Work Ain't Cheap and Cheap Work Ain't Good"
Layumon22s   +1y
I think that this truck is worth every bit of 30K. It is hands down one of the best trucks ever and raises the bar for everyone building any type of minitruck. Everything is excuted to perfection. I just hope whoever has the honor of buying it will actually take care of it. Wish I had 30K laying around...
tuckinlugs06   +1y
it dosnet mater how much was put into it you will never get what it cost to build or even what you want its only a mini truck ...and not everyone of the is a collectable
02ramon20s   +1y
Originally posted by ///XCeption

Not trying to own anyone on here. I just get pissed off when people get on here and talk shit about shit they know nothing about. I've been in the scene since 93 and I've but my blood and sweat into my truck and for people to say its not worth this or that really gets under my skin. Plan and simple. People that know shit about shit understand what it takes to build a ride like I built.

Well said, It take alot of money and time to make a full show vehicle. And Until some of these guys get a chance to build a truck or car that cost 20,000 or 30,000 or up to 50,000. There will always be someone thinking they could build it cheaper and talking smack unfortunatly.
eatinpavement   +1y
i think there are too many people that talk shit that dont even know these trucks enough to recognize all the actual attention to detail in them. they just see a laid out isuzu with a v8. as far as the drive train you cant get a stock duramax drivetrain for under 10k. i've seen honda 4 bangers with 10g's in the motor easily. the key with this thing is the amount of work that is actually done. this truck isnt built for the average joe thats looking for something to cruise and drag the shit out of. its more for the collector thats going to take care of it and keep it up. and yea like ernie said avg price for a cover truck is around 10k but we've all seen what happens to these trucks after they switch hands. for 30k someone will better appreciate their investment. its just gonna take the right person to come along and buy it.
35hundo   +1y
Sorry Ant that I had to speak my piece about the drivetrain. I just was using the drivetrain as an example. I just think its crazy how some people have no clue what it takes to get a truck, hot rod, anything, to that level of perfection. Big bill said it perfect "...dont even know these trucks enough to recognize all the actual attention to detail in them. they just see a laid out isuzu with a v8."
Put it in perspective- if your building a riddler car plan on spending atleast a $$million, and dont be shocked when it cost you $20Gs just to paint the driveline.
speedylowz   +1y
I had a chance to meet Ant at GatorDrag last year & we hungout the whole weekend like we had been knowing each other for 10yrs.....I can say this about his truck....I have been building my present Isuzu for 7 years & counting & it took several hours to see every Attention 2 Detail on this truck......And some of the mods Ant had to point out to me himself cause i didn't notice.....Anyways glad i had a chance to meet him & juz by talking to him u would know how much of this truck is a part of him. Good luck with the sell Bro..... Hell i remember calling my wife & telling her I wanted to buy it...Hey Ant...would u take a check? HA HA J/k fellow Isuzuer
1redchvy   +1y
worth every penny!!!!!!!!!!!
/// xception   +1y
Thanks Speedy for the kind words. Josh no worries, its nice to hear words from people who know something about stuff. All I have to say is if anyone wants to see the receipts I'll be more than happy to show them how much is invested in the ride.

Severed701   +1y
i dont think anyone is doubting that the truck is badass and has a ton of money/work/detail into it...the point it..its still a 92 izuzu pickup...and most people arent going to spend 30k on a minitruck regardless of how much money is into it or whats done to could dump a million dollars into it and it wouldnt matter