Unfortunely all the things you guys are saying rings true almost everytime, its why I don't build late model trucks anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love late model trucks very much and hope to build one for my self one day when the money is there and re-sale value isn't an issue. I know Ant built that truck cause he liked it and he wanted it, he didn't do it for the money. I think most of you can understand that, cause i'd say most of the people on here built there trucks for the same reason. From all the posts i've seen, I don't think anyone is knocking the truck. I do think some of the estimates/ money figures that have been thrown around are off by signifficant amounts, cause good work does not come cheap, and if it does, its doesn't stay that way long. So, to everyone out there slaving away, or pouring all their hard earned wages into one of these rides, I applaud you for doing it for the love of it, I know I wish I could. Ant, goodluck on selling the truck, bro. I know there was alot of blood, sweat, tears, and seriously worked hard for wages put into that truck and I think you did a incredible job on it. Hopefully somebody will step up and pay the price. Like they say, there is an ass for every seat, so you never know. Goodluck, bro!!