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Mini Truckin General \  whats happening to it

whats happening to it

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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dragmatic   +1y
I guess with that said you obviously didn't see the Colorado that Kurt from AutoCore built. It sold at Barrett Jackson for somewhere in the mid 30s. I know it's a newer truck but IMO it didn't have the same work in it.
Severed701   +1y
well yeah barret jackson is a different story...bunch of people with more money than they know what to do with..maybe he should sell it there then? cuz i dont know where else you'll get 30 grand for a minitruck
sittin_so_low   +1y
yea, its a very nice all around truck, the main thing is its one off, so why would u spend 25k on a stock gay looking truck when u can buy sickness (imo)....... btw, after seeing this and all this talk about getting what u ( in general) deserve, i feel like i stole the my lastet ride. later sorry, i had to throw up my 2c
sadexcuse4s10   +1y
Edited: 5/9/2008 8:53:51 PM by sadexcuse4s10

it's defenitely got more than $30k into it.

I've got $15000 into my stockfloored s10 on 22's including around $2500 worth of shit i've put on or done to the engine/tranny/axle and it's just a damn 2.8. And I did all the work myself with my friends.

that truck is well worth the $, there isn't a damn bolt on it that hasn't been painted or chromed

relaxedmitch   +1y
Being as close to the build as I was, I know that 30k isn't a deal, its a fuckin' steal!! Now as far as the drivetrain goes on that particulair truck, I know a top notch engine cover with the current paint it has now not shown in the pic, goes for around 2500-3500 bucks, a bad ass serpentine system, pulleys, altenator, power steering pump, ac compressor are going to go in the 2000-2500 range, deburr the block, and ready it for paint, thats 40 solid hours at 65pr hr atleast, then, figure in fastners, and does that truck ever have nice fastners, oh the radiator hoses...fabbed...bodyworked..painted that an easy it all gets expensive fast. Either way, whoever gets it, is getting a great deal, plain and simple. Take care guys.
dssur   +1y
Originally posted by madmax95

so why would u spend 25k on a stock gay looking truck when u can buy sickness

because you can go to the bank and get a loan for 25-30k on a new stock truck. A 92 isuzu in perfect shape has a loan value of MAYBE 1500, if you can find a bank that will loan you money on something that old. So that leaves you to come up with 28500 of your own money.

I am NOT knocing the truck or the work invested, I am sure it cost a lot and all the time and effort really looks great. Sell it for 30k? maybe, I cant predict the future. But I can say that the people who want it cant afford it, and the people who can afford it wouldnt want it, they'd take a 30k accountant ponytail justification device (chopper, with cruise control!) or a low end tri five or corvette. Again, not knocking, just saying that is the price range its in.
relaxedmitch   +1y
Unfortunely all the things you guys are saying rings true almost everytime, its why I don't build late model trucks anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love late model trucks very much and hope to build one for my self one day when the money is there and re-sale value isn't an issue. I know Ant built that truck cause he liked it and he wanted it, he didn't do it for the money. I think most of you can understand that, cause i'd say most of the people on here built there trucks for the same reason. From all the posts i've seen, I don't think anyone is knocking the truck. I do think some of the estimates/ money figures that have been thrown around are off by signifficant amounts, cause good work does not come cheap, and if it does, its doesn't stay that way long. So, to everyone out there slaving away, or pouring all their hard earned wages into one of these rides, I applaud you for doing it for the love of it, I know I wish I could. Ant, goodluck on selling the truck, bro. I know there was alot of blood, sweat, tears, and seriously worked hard for wages put into that truck and I think you did a incredible job on it. Hopefully somebody will step up and pay the price. Like they say, there is an ass for every seat, so you never know. Goodluck, bro!!
Uncle Fester   +1y
I can imagine how quickly things add up. I have been building a frame up truck and can appreciate the time that goes into it. I have all Allen head chrome bolts on the frame, and that alone is $600. I cringe at what I have in my engine and tranny. If I figure what I spent $30k would be a steal. At the price he has someone that will respect it and have the ability to fix it. He not pricing it for a young kid to buy it and destroy it. Good luck with the sale and if I had the money it would be one of few I would buy.
Good luck with the sale, those that have built a frame up can feel your pain and don't question your pricing.
Take care.

detached   +1y
i know personally ive dumped cash left and righ t into vehicles and it dosnt look like ive dropped more than 500 hundred let alone 5k. my izusu hombre had an easy 15k in it and all it did was lay frame.. i just got rid of a truck that i had dropped 6 grand into and it didnt look like it. looks are decieving ill tell ya that but im gonna definatly go out on a limb and say 30k is probably half of what he honestly has into it unless im way off which in this case he could have 100k in and i couldnt tell ya. i know my jimmy as it sits has 12k into the frame alone sounds stupid gives you an idea where it all went and if you wanna see some dirty pics of it thats fine im on myspace and ive got about 60 pics of the damn ride on there add me youll see the pics.
okcderek   +1y
I dont see the big deal in his price..? The time and money and labor involved in that truck is incredible. Yeah, maybe the price is too high for the average minitrucker......but the person that does buy it, will respect the truck and not drag it down the street and ruin it. Cause thats what would happen if it was priced to where most of you that are making negative comments on the price would do. I am sure he realizes that it will be difficult to sell a minitruck for that much, but the person that does buy it will take care of it and respect the work involved in the truck.