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Mini Truckin General \  Virgin dragger no more!

Virgin dragger no more!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Thebutchershop   +1y
draggins fun and all , hell ive destroyed my truck dragging it all the time anywere i could, 90 and over was cool as hell till i watched the vidoe , ill never do that again, ive dragged my truck so much it gonna be easier to put a new body on it than to fix it, im sure ill do it again but not as hard, i say have fun with your blocks as long as the are safe , im as hardcore as the next guy but its about havin fun so drag away and smile doin it , jus remeber ,its your truck do what makes you happy not everyone else!
retro dime   +1y
Edited: 6/18/2008 8:59:47 PM by R0CKSTAR

Originally posted by lowonair86

Dont pay mind to these fools talking about draggin your frame or body. Do what YOU like. Just because you love your truck and dont want to destroy it like a lot of these guy are going to do. You can look at them in a few years when their trucks drug the frame and or body to shit and the truck ends up sitting in their back yard. You will still be driving your ride. To each his own, so once again do what YOU like, forget the haters.

Yea this thread alone has quite a few lol

Yea sorry guys Im not into havin more possibilities of things breaking. Ill pass on that one. Ive already spent quite a bit on fixing this hooptie. Wish I could be as cool as you guys though damn!
retro dime   +1y
Originally posted by lx4life

blocks LMFAO bro grow up if you really want to go big like everyone else says, drag body, blocks are for the kids. I will tell you kid, dragging is fun until you throw a few thousand into your truck then you will realize damn that shit was dumb, plus your stupid ass will be dragging where people will see you and something stupid might happen. I say this because I live in so cal and the Local Finesse cruise night that you go to is my old cruise night and I have to be on the road with your dumb ass. So Drag away!!!!

Putting blocks on make me stupid? But dragging frame or body isnt?

I only drag when its a nice road and minimal chance of something going wrong. Yes I am certainly a little stupid ass kid.

I must give it to you though, I laughed the most when I read your post above. Congrats.
dragwithme   +1y
Edited: 6/18/2008 9:40:51 PM by dragwithme

iam no one to talk i use to drag on blocks did most of the people on ssm they just wont admit it lol.. but fuck it and fuck the shit talkers you can drag dead animals) its your truck

post photo
disfiguredS10   +1y
I used a dead skunk for a drag block once(seriously)no sparks though. Be safe dude, and as long as you don't think dragging is what makes you cool you'll be fine.
jumbo   +1y
Originally posted by lowonair86

Dont pay mind to these fools talking about draggin your frame or body. Do what YOU like. Just because you love your truck and dont want to destroy it like a lot of these guy are going to do. You can look at them in a few years when their trucks drug the frame and or body to shit and the truck ends up sitting in their back yard. You will still be driving your ride. To each his own, so once again do what YOU like, forget the haters.

x2. i caught a lot of shit for dragging blocks, till the guys that were making fun of me had to keep calling me to help take their bed off or replate their flame or whatever.
Uncle Fester   +1y
Glad you got to enjoy dragging and you sound like you mounted it safe and secure. Enjoy.P.S.. What did people do for fun before dragging I know I just enjoyed cruising.
retro dime   +1y
Originally posted by Uncle Fester

Glad you got to enjoy dragging and you sound like you mounted it safe and secure. Enjoy.P.S.. What did people do for fun before dragging I know I just enjoyed cruising.

Haha yea I like cruisin too dont get me wrong. Only reason I got em put on was because I got it done for free.