One of my favorite movies:
Listen, I'm a big supporter of fixing potholes and erecting swing sets and building shelters. I am *more* than happy to pay those taxes. I'm just not such a big fan of the percentage that the government uses for national defense, corporate bailouts, and campaign discretionary funds. So, I didn't pay those taxes. I think I sent a letter to that effect with my return.
Would it be the letter that beings "Dear Imperialist Swine"?
Dave, can I pose a somewhat abstract, purely hypothetical question?
If you knew you were gonna die, possibly soon, what would you do?
Wow, I don't know. Am I the richest man in the world?
No, you're you.
Do I have a superpower?
No, you're *you*.
I know I'm me, but do I have a superpower?
No, why would you have a superpower?
I don't know, you said it was hypothetical.
Fine, yes, you're really good at math.
That's not a power, that's a skill.
Okay, you're good at math and you're invisible. And you know you're gonna
Okay, okay. That's easy, I'd go to space camp.
Space camp?
Yeah, it's in Alabama. It's where kids go to learn how to become astronauts. I've always wanted to go since I was nine.
You're invisible and you'd go to space camp?
I didn't pick invisible, you picked invisible.
Aren't you too old to go to space camp?
You're *never* too old to go to space camp, dude.
You know there's something called a nicotine patch.
I don't need a nicotine patch. I smoke cigarettes.