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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  cutting up the lexus gs!!!

cutting up the lexus gs!!!

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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cheeks Sunset SD   +1y
VIP cars look sick! but nate just bow down now man the boyz of AON put such a sick twist on there shit you cant say anything man all there rides are well built and sick as hell.
neurotic   +1y
Edited: 6/19/2008 9:09:50 PM by neurotic

all i knows is that just staright hammered low like the video shows is a pain in the ass to drive everyday in the real world. shit it took those dudes forever just to get out of the driveway. which to me i would not want to deal with.
Well I'll throw my two pennies in.

He didn't say the car was VIP Styled.. He just said that they are cutting one up. A Lexus GS is a popular car in the VIP scene, which Nate.. I'm sure you know, since I've never seen anyone swing any harder.

How can you come up here and coach people about VIP cars and styles, when you are building a mustang?

Big deal he made a mistake, get off of it. Let it go. Don't come up here and coach people on cars when from the looks of it, you haven't built much. Jared has worked on/built/driven more custom rides then most west coast shows have at one time.

As for VIP.. I can understand it. I really do. What I can't is why would you want to spend 5 minutes trying to get out of your driveway? I'd rather just lift my car up and pull out. Which I do, every single day.

You might think tires might be chump change to some, but I'm sure if you ask anyone, if they could do something to help with going through tires, they would. No one likes dropping money on tires. I don't care who you are.

Please don't take this post as hatred, because It's not. It's just helping you open your eyes. I'm not ragging on you or your cars, but with all due respect, if your so into the VIP Scene, why do you drive a Ford? or the Maxima.. if your to say cutting up cars behind the scenes is "fucking gay", wouldn't you think you belong to the wrong forum?

Stick to CarDomain.

k24 rd6   +1y
Those cars in the video are stupid. They really are not that low, just have body kits. You can see them bouncing since there is no suspension travel. No hating, just reality.

And since when does mass amounts off camber help fit the wrong sized wheels? Just shows how stupid and trendy some people are. Maybe if were to cut up there cars, they could actually fit those wheels/tires and still have suspension.

jetts   +1y
dont do it pete!!!!

j/k buddy you know i love you!i really do wish you would of finished the accord
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ShavedClean96Accord   +1y
Edited: 6/21/2008 9:47:30 PM by ShavedClean96Accord

Never said I was into the VIP scene. I can't post a single picture of my car on any maxima forum without people asking me why I built a VIP styled Max, all because I chose a wheel that doesn't fit the norm.

I just know a lot about it because it interested me for a while.

And the Mustang has been LONG gone, please check my last update on it. It was a short lived toy.

And flat out, I wasn't argueing or anything of the like. Dude said it was stupid to cut up fenders. And I said that was a silly fucking thing to say when you're cutting up the inner fenders/unibody, don't you think?

It goes back to hating on anything different. Like calling someone a ricer because he styled something differently than what you might think is cool, or alright.

It's fucking stupid, plain and simple.

And for everyone on here to jump on nuts about it is even worse, I said right off the bat, I loved the GS that was cut up. Still do. I just corrected something that was misinformed.

So, you don't like the idea of driving that low. Ok. Fine. Then don't. It's as simple as that. In japan (don't know if you've ever been), they have some SMOOTH fucking roadways. No bumps, no potholes. They take care of that shit. It's perfectly fine to drive that low, and that's why it's such a big thing there.

All in all, this is why I no longer participate in the scene. Someone projects their ideas or thoughts, whether it be fact or fiction, and everyone gets their panties in a wad.

I thought I was having a perfectly fine discussion with Jared, and so did he. It's a give and take situation, and didn't need to be smeared out like some of you chose to do.
cruisinlowS10   +1y
Originally posted by puponair

dont do it pete!!!!

j/k buddy you know i love you!i really do wish you would of finished the accord

is this still being built or whats the story. that has potential to be a bad ass ride
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SeveredBody   +1y
Originally posted by xinsertnamex

ghetto pimpin. i wanna stock floor a twin turbo'd Porsche Cayenne
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simple4door   +1y
ok so just like every other thread on ssm there will be arguing over whats what. the first thing i said at the top of this forum is this is what mini truckers do to vip cars.any minitruck that is bagged ,juiced has the inner fenders cut out or takin out! i was saying my two cents and this goes for minis as well . altering your sheet metal(exterior)is stupid if you want a body dropped truck and the 20 whatevers you run stick out the hood dont do it get a the people in japan should buy a normal wheel and offset for there car and lower it as far as they can with the wheel they want and drive it. the gs with stock 16 inch wheels and tires almost lays rear unibody with no cutting. so that wheel and tire combo is almost the size of a 20 or the same and it all fits in the stock sheetmetal...... AGAIN THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!!
but i also think alot of people agree, and would like a car to be that low and have a decent ride no matter how smooth the streets may be.
simple4door   +1y
also cutting new engine craddle to raise it up 1 1/2 inch should be done soon and will have pics of it finished soon.
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