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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  cutting up the lexus gs!!!

cutting up the lexus gs!!!

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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LowriderLee   +1y
Originally posted by ShavedClean96Accord

In japan (don't know if you've ever been), they have some SMOOTH fucking roadways. No bumps, no potholes. They take care of that shit. It's perfectly fine to drive that low, and that's why it's such a big thing there.

What part of Japan were you in? Im in Nagasaki prefecture and i'd have to say they are some of the worst roads i've driven on save Washington D.C....

I always just figured they like it because it seems "hard core". Just like so many minitruckers drag. But actually they do have some of the V.I.P. styled cars with air suspension its just not as popular for some reason.

Here are some cars i saw at a carshow here in Fukuoka Japan. They had some other cool stuff but my camera was fucking up....

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DooredFord   +1y
Man I just picked up a white '08 malibu i told myself i wouldn't cut it up but this is making me really want to.

leydbck   +1y
I say if people want to run that low without an adjustable suspension let them. I mean, it's only a front bumper, set of tires or oil pan. Chump change to a true baller right?

Personally I would rather spend that money on air or juice and cruise knowing I wasn't in danger of fucking it up.

Nice looking car Jared.
Edited: 6/22/2008 11:08:35 AM by AON-OFFDAHOOK

That malibu would be sick with a clean/simple juice setup on 20's or 22's. I don't think I'd ever cut up a car myself only because cars are very "reverseable" when it comes to suspension (unlike a truck). But I don't find it stupid (like that one douche on here)...I think it's awesome.

Lowrider Lee - I love Japan, you guys are an inspiration when I see stuff like this:

ShavedClean96Accord   +1y
Originally posted by AON-OFFDAHOOK

Edited: 6/22/2008 11:08:35 AM by AON-OFFDAHOOK

That malibu would be sick with a clean/simple juice setup on 20's or 22's. I don't think I'd ever cut up a car myself only because cars are very "reverseable" when it comes to suspension (unlike a truck). But I don't find it stupid (like that one douche on here)...I think it's awesome.

Lowrider Lee - I love Japan, you guys are an inspiration when I see stuff like this:

I'm assuming that was a shot at me... and I would appreciate it if you could quote where I said cutting up a car was stupid. Mainly because I didn't. I'm friends and go way back with a lot of guys that have some heavily cut up cars, and I've even done a lot of cutting on some of mine.

It's funny how you guys ride dick just because you caught something I said and took it out of place and context.

Jared, I am aware that it's a discussion, and was never offended by anything you had to say. You made your points, and did it without being a jackass... which is more than I can say for some other people in this thread.
Here is your quote you asked for:

"And I'm sure there are people out there that think cutting up the unibody behind the scenes is pretty f**king stupid too"
IGotIssues   +1y
I dont think #2, or #3 enjoyed getting all that debrit throuwn all over their cars when pulling into the parking lot. Maybe that was #1's way of getting #2 back for almost rearending him. I couldnt see why #3 deserved getting burned out on... Maybe he almost rearended #2, or maybe #2 felt sorry for all the traffic that had to sit and wait for all of them to pull in, and he was indicating #3 should have let all the traffic go by? I guess only they know. Actually Nate might know since he did state above that that car is a daily drive, except he posted pics of 2 diffterent cars.
ShavedClean96Accord   +1y
Edited: 6/22/2008 2:32:59 PM by ShavedClean96Accord

Originally posted by AON-OFFDAHOOK

Here is your quote you asked for:

"And I'm sure there are people out there that think cutting up the unibody behind the scenes is pretty f**king stupid too"

Now, where in there did I say that I was one of them? I respect all angles of the automotive world, whether it be bodywork and paint, or suspension and wheels and tires. If it's got wheels and a motor, I dig it.

You took something out of context and now look kinda like an asshat.
ShavedClean96Accord   +1y
Originally posted by IGotIssues

I dont think #2, or #3 enjoyed getting all that debrit throuwn all over their cars when pulling into the parking lot. Maybe that was #1's way of getting #2 back for almost rearending him. I couldnt see why #3 deserved getting burned out on... Maybe he almost rearended #2, or maybe #2 felt sorry for all the traffic that had to sit and wait for all of them to pull in, and he was indicating #3 should have let all the traffic go by? I guess only they know. Actually Nate might know since he did state above that that car is a daily drive, except he posted pics of 2 diffterent cars.

You confused me on this one. I know I posted two different cars. It was to show the style, not to show one particular vehicle...

And very few of these cars are built as trailer queens. Just like there's shit associated with them on here, trailer queens arn't received well in the VIP world, either. Either drive it, or don't build it.
ShavedClean96Accord   +1y
Now, before this goes any further... let me say that I respect what the AoN guys are saying... just not how they're saying it.

You guys are taking a discussion and turning it into a personal attack on me on the internet. Which is just... well, ya know.

I like the GS that Jared posted. It's fucking sick.

But hate to break it to you guys, not everyone will. That's the way the world is. When I say "And I'm sure there are people out there that think cutting up the unibody behind the scenes is pretty f**king stupid too", it's not MY personal view on it. It's a fact of life. Not everyone is going to like what you're doing.