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Mini Truckin General \  new ink

new ink

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1196
replies 28
following 20
jumbo   +1y
ok, it's that time again, but this time i really want to get a quarter sleeve (from just above my elbow up my arm going onto my shoulder, chest, and back) of some hot rod flames. I'm thinking of doing them something like this:

What do you guys think? Obviously, since i'm a fatass dude, i need a big tatty, and i've been wanting to do this for a long time. Do you guys think it will work going over my shoulder and onto my chest and back? Or will it look stupid? Also, i already have a tribal tattoo on my shoulder, i don't think i can make it blend in, maybe i can make it look like the flames would be in the background? I need some input, please.
dubrocker04   +1y
in the spirit of the "new and improved" ssm, i'll reserve any negative comment.

with that said, i definitely and without a doubt would never get flames tattood on me, nor another drop of ink stuck in my skin in any type of tribal design.
retro dime   +1y
I dont know if I would get JUST flames going up my whole arm...

Maybe unless they were GOOD looking flames with GOOD shading and detail.
jumbo   +1y
not my whole arm, just from above my elbow up (will be covered with short sleeved t-shirts). I work for a mortgage company, and i'm too hot natured to be wearing long sleeves all the time, lol. And thanks for the input, dub. Maybe a motor spitting flames out of the headers wrapping around my arm and over the shoulder??
retro dime   +1y
That idea with the headers sounds better.

God I cant wait till I turn 18 so I can start my arm sleeve.
dubrocker04   +1y
if you're wanting an automotive theme, it would be much better in my opinion to have something actually automotive, if you know what i mean.

KP- i don't know if you have any tattoos now, but i would wait till at least 25 to start a full sleeve... unless you have some unreal trust fund. exposed tattoos change your life. you may say that you don't care, fuck what the common person thinks, but the first time you get treated like shit because of some ink, it makes you want to stab someone.

i'm tattood from wrist to shoulder on one arm and from shoulder to about mid fore arm on the other. i could tell stories all day about how i get seated in the corner of resturants, how people pull their kids away from my general direction in stores, how people don't take me serious...

anyway, i'm rambling. i love tattoos. i just hate to see an 18 year old with a full sleeve. i have a full arm of tribal shit that i regret quite a bit... that i got when i was 20. i would love to have the opportunity to tattoo that skin with something of significance to me instead of just some bold black lines.

i could go on and on all day about tattoos
detached   +1y
well jumbo dont know if you have though about this maybe get the burban tatted? also your lil ones name and some pinstripe?
im hopefully going in before the end of the summer for new ink. some of its gonna be automotive influenced some just my fucked up thought process. either way bro you gotta do what fits you and what your gonna be happy with i know luke aka orange smoothie has 100 dollar bill flames its fucking sick i wanna add them into a leg peice with a black and white peice of this chick with her mouth sewn shut then add in there somewhere some dice, playin cards a bottle of aftershock and some other alcohol its gonna be be my "mans ruin leg" check into my tatts on my myspace jumbo maybe you can get an idea for something...
obey   +1y
I dunno about the whole truck/motors/flames stuff on people, To me - it looks stupid, Can you Draw something that would be unique to you? Anyways, the sleeve stuff is cool though =)
jumbo   +1y
Edited: 6/20/2008 9:18:15 AM by sdime2372

Edited: 6/20/2008 9:16:12 AM by sdime2372

i can't draw stick people. And dub, i 100% agree with you, that's why i'm going above my elbow. When i got my first tat at 20, my rules were no skulls or demon shit, and nothing that can't be covered up with shorts and a short sleeve shirt. I've stuck with that rule for the most part (i have my daughter's footprint and name on my calf, but i figured hell i'm 30, i've been in the same line of work since 01, no place in work am i gonna have to wear shorts to hang with the higher ups, it's all business casual) and i'm not planning on breaking it now. I've had the idea of something wrapping around my arm then coming over my shoulder and going onto my chest and back for a long, long time now (about 8 years), i just never knew exactly what to do it with.

Bige, i am getting the burban on the inside of my bicep. Thanks for the input, yall keep the ideas rolling. Every tat i have is significant to me, now i just want something big that looks badass. And i'm tired of people telling me "you won't like that when you're 40". Maybe not, but i can look at it and go "remember that time...." And does anyone else notice that nothing in life is for now, everything's for the future? You go to day care to get prepared for school, middle school to prepare for jr. high, jr. high to prepare for high school, high school to prepare for college, college to prepare for work, work to prepare for retirement, retirement to prepare for dying, i mean does now not matter at all to anyone? It just drives me crazy that in life it seems like you're always preparing, but basically what we are all preparing for is death. Don't get me wrong, i'm not telling you to go out there and blow all your money and live like there's no tomorrow, but don't be afraid to do something today that you might not be able to do tomorrow.

k i'm done, sorry for the novel

Dub, also, what automotive theme do you mean? I guess i'm still a little to asleep to get what you meant.
lx4life   +1y
Jumbo, I would say get what you want, maybe something like some flaming pistons shooting out of a big blown motor or some thing like that, I have been in the scene for awhile and i can not tell you how many times I have seen either on the ankle going up or wrist going up flames... I just think it looks played.

Dub, I know you are trying to help KP but you are acting as though people treated you as though you have the plague. I am inked on my right arm starting from my wrist up to my bicep, I run a Western Distribution Center here in CA and I know that we are a bit layed back, I never wear long sleeves. I happen to be doing a college paper on tattoos and the public views they get.

KP, Dub makes some good points, tattoos take great thought on where you put them, what to get and who is going to do then. I just my arm in the 2 pieces that I have over $900 dollars and 11 hours of work, get your self started in your career, it is hard to look for a job in the professional field with visible tattoos, but I can say ink is way more accepted now than a few years ago.

Sorry Jumbo not trying to jack your thread just thought I would throw out some inside info since I have ink and only a few post, keep us updated on the decision of the ink