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Mini Truckin General \  new minitruckin mag - september 2008... COVER TRUCK IS BADASS!

new minitruckin mag - september 2008... COVER TRUCK IS BADASS!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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tuckinlugs06   +1y
oh yea thats that sweet yota from nice yota
ElCadillacKid   +1y
the september issue is out in June? can't wait to get my copy.
unusualfabrication   +1y
I agree that its a BADASS truck, but there have been several american built minis that have been detailed as nice or nicer than that. Weird, because as someone already stated if you build something like that here your a pussy cause you trailor it but there hes a god because its detailed out, why the double standard?
Uncle Fester   +1y
Originally posted by lowranger5561

no one ever takes the time to look at a mini that is detailed out,that's why they dont get built. then when you do build a show truck people just want too talk shit about you for traling it too a SHOW!!

I look forward to any talkers on my Ranger. I have touched every nut and bolt on this truck and look forward to showing it. I hope that people can appreciate the attention that my friends and I have given it. Can't wait to get my copy.
ixenn   +1y
i know ill appreciate it when i see it fester - but then ill have to come back home and look at mine :\ haha one day i'll be there!
lucky_brew   +1y
fester/shannon - you guys are deff in that 5%. your trucks are badass and the detail is of a very high caliber!
35hundo   +1y
Most people will never appreciate the time and cost that goes into having an extremely detailed vehicle. you could spend hours cutting and buffing your inner fenders, bottom of the cab. the firewall etc, but most mini truckers will never notice exactly what it is that makes the truck 1000x better than most out there. Most guys at a show seem to see just a handfull of things like a checklist and thats it, Bagged, body dropped, wheels, shaved, trick bed, custom interior, uhh cool.
gimp5561   +1y
fester i was all over your ranger an last look at reso and people ask if there was something wrong why was i laying on the ground. yes i love lookin at a clean built show truck.
LUCKY thank you. 9 years ago when i built mine people talked shit about her but there is stuff done to it that very few people have ever noticed and i built her for ME. i drove the shit out of mine for 6 years then built a show truck out of it. hell most people dont even own a truck for 6 years much less 20 years.

if you build something different your an outcastin the JAPAN your the shit.
Toddgoesfast   +1y
most minitruckers here dont have the patience, skills, time, or expertise to do that much detailing. They are more likely to do whatever someone else has done. the few people that bring out new ideas are the ones that can build these types of trucks but dont have the money, time or for whatever reason they cant do it themselves. The ones with the money or time dont have the brain power or creativeness to build that class of badass minis.
Originally posted by lucky_brew

Originally posted by EKSESSIV CONTROL

is the coverage for summer showdown in it


page 36,37 & 38

looking for something imparticular?

Its the coverage for our show in perry GA and just wanting to see so bad ... we are so greatfull that minitruckin covered it and hope to see it today or tommorow Im not against anyone posting it on here sooner lol and thanks for checking on that for me brew