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Mini Truckin General \  LADY minitruckers

LADY minitruckers

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 43
following 36
jealousonezenvy   +1y
yea i wish mine was into it. i bought her a 91 s10 and i ad her paint the truckherself then i put a tilt column in it from a blazer then when i went to jail she sold it and bought junk...
jsondrops   +1y
girls on
scrapinbyu   +1y
Thank god my wife is into the minitruck scene, it makes going to shows a whole lot more fun. She actually got into Severed Ties before i did, she has a car, not a mini, but its all good.
DontWatchMeWatchTV   +1y
Edited: 7/4/2008 6:50:49 PM by DontWatchMeWatchTV

There's not many that are truly into it. There's always the "groupie" chicks that thing they are into it though. I had my truck. Worked on it. Sold it because I'm just tired of the scene. Not the trucks themselves by any sense but the scene itself. Now I'm more into old School hot rods. Got two that I'm working on now instead of the isuzu.
we need more.
brad0069   +1y
shoot, my wife has been a minitrucker since 1989. Her isuzu was in minitruckin in Dec. 2000. Right now the puppy is in the shop getting ready for her to bring it out next year for her 20 yrs of ownership and her 20yr high school reunion(she bought the puppy in march of '89) I think it is f'n awsome to see ladies with their own rides! Both my daughters have minis under construction as soon as they take some pics I'll have them post them up
humanmachinehead   +1y
my girl wants to build a mini BAD, we met at Wyotech, so i know she can actually do the work too. She does body/paint work at Carmax too
fatboysS1O   +1y
Originally posted by brad0069

Both my daughters have minis under construction as well. old are these daughters u speak of?
disfiguredS10   +1y
^^hahahaha........he's so serious.
oldskool66   +1y
im one of the lucky one My girl has a dime on 20/22 in the works she dosent do all the work but she read MINITRUCKIN every month even when im deployed to the Middle East.