lost cause
My inlaws drove this car all the way from Cali just to get a "Lost Cause" original
I told them I realy didn't have time.....but then htey offerd to buy my 20's for my taco.......
Hmmmmmm OK! I said, and the race was one (they were leaving in 3 days!!!)
I decide to keep the top color and add a diamond white pearl to the bottom seperated by and airbrushed "chrome" molding.........and some flames
Here the car is all taped up and the top color is masked along with some simple flames
Then the bottom of the car was sprayed with a diamond white pearl...
Then the top portion of the chrom strip was sprayed to resemble chrome reflecting the sky, clouds, and sun lol
Then the bottom part of the chrome strip was airbrushed to resemble chrome reflecting the ground, or DIRT in there case (california's a fuck'n desert)
Then after airbrushing shadows and highlights & Pinstriping the flames I layed down three wet ass coats of clear
And That's how I do a 2-Day 2-Tone (and earn a free set of 20's)
I'll post pics of the final product here shortly,....Tell me what you think
"Lost Cause"