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Mini Truckin General \  ***Mini Truckin' Mag*** 2 different covers?????

***Mini Truckin' Mag*** 2 different covers?????

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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impulse   +1y
Originally posted by crochface

you know what never made any sense to me when i had your job. why the newsstand one couldn't be as cool as possible.i know it has to do with marketing and making money but the only people who buy mini truckin are the ones who went to the store lookin for it. so why not skip the flashy anoying colors make a sweet ass magazine and possibly grab new customers saying look how sweet and non ugly this magazine is and creating new minitruckers. i dont know anyone who randomly decided to get a magazine cause it had a yellow banner at the top. like imagine if each cover looked like it had part of the persons paint job dripping from the top of it or the cover had less text on it, if the magazines were a little cooler id be more willing to pay for the magazine i went into the store looking for than to sit in the store for 10 minutes reading it and putting it back.

these are things i would have said to steves face had i had the guts.his thinking is so backwards. like while i worked there he said we couldn't put anymore suv's on the cover truck and green trucks are no longer allowed on the cover. that doesn't make any sense. sorry for ranting=)

haha thats some absurd shit right there.

lucky_brew   +1y
^ how about putting something on the cover that is not "trendy as hell". catch the eye of someone other than the "typical" minitrucker fan base!

lx4life   +1y
I guess you figured screw the subscribers, we already have them give them the basic looking covers, isn't that advertisement for ya, minitruckers will buy the mag for what is in it, not the flashy cover, you would think that the people that shell out the cash for the 1 and 2 year subscriptions that they would at least get the better looking covers? Shows you what the editors think about those that are willing to pay forward for a magazine.
fatboysS1O   +1y
Originally posted by crochface

Edited: 7/16/2008 6:28:38 PM by crochface

you know what never made any sense to me when i had your job. why the newsstand one couldn't be as cool as possible.i know it has to do with marketing and making money but the only people who buy mini truckin are the ones who went to the store lookin for it. so why not skip the flashy anoying colors make a sweet ass magazine and possibly grab new customers saying look how sweet and non ugly this magazine is and creating new minitruckers. i dont know anyone who randomly decided to get a magazine cause it had a yellow banner at the top. like imagine if each cover looked like it had part of the persons paint job dripping from the top of it or the cover had less text on it, if the magazines were a little cooler id be more willing to pay for the magazine i went into the store looking for than to sit in the store for 10 minutes reading it and putting it back.

these are things i would have said to steves face had i had the guts.his thinking is so backwards. like while i worked there he said we couldn't put anymore suv's on the cover, and green trucks are no longer allowed on the cover. that doesn't make any sense. sorry for ranting=)

apparently that was a load of bs too nick cuz augusts issue had a green yota on the cover.

Minitruckcartel   +1y
Originally posted by lx4life

I guess you figured screw the subscribers, we already have them give them the basic looking covers, isn't that advertisement for ya, minitruckers will buy the mag for what is in it, not the flashy cover, you would think that the people that shell out the cash for the 1 and 2 year subscriptions that they would at least get the better looking covers? Shows you what the editors think about those that are willing to pay forward for a magazine.

??? What? The subscribers do get the cool covers???

BTW this is in no way to turn into a hate thread bashing anything or anyone or how things are done or where your subscribtion is in the mail. This is mearly information about two different cover styles per issue. Keep it postive guys!
fatboysS1O   +1y
yeah i cant complain about MT. i could careless which cover i get. either is fine with me. just thought it was funny bout the green truck deal.
HotRodDime   +1y
what do we know, eh?

Everyone's a critic

Drag2blaze   +1y
Originally posted by lucky_brew

^ how about putting something on the cover that is not "trendy as hell". catch the eye of someone other than the "typical" minitrucker fan base!

Oh lucky your know you are just a trendy you like them donks with lambos and s10s with 22's. lol But i think the mt mag is one of the best out there. Good work guys!!
Jance Customs   +1y
Originally posted by crochface

Edited: 7/16/2008 6:28:38 PM by crochface

he said we couldn't put anymore suv's on the cover, and green trucks are no longer allowed on the cover. that doesn't make any sense. sorry for ranting=)

I guess I don't understand this one at all? Why would you "rule" out mini vehicle just because it's an Suv or it's green? I understand not putting cars on their but I don't get it? I guess it would suck to have a green suv huh?

arod84   +1y
MT rocks doesn't matter what color the letters on the cover are or the color of the truck, as long as I see sweet rides and ground breaking builds in it, I'll continue to buy it!