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Mini Truckin General \  Tennesse


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 38
following 31
4twnty   +1y
Ummm why would they impound your truck??? sure if your draggin but just driving to work. F That!! Well i can pass the lic tag placement but i have no bumper and always drive hammered so looks like a little adjustment might be needed. oh by the way how are the roads out there since living in AZ. almost my whole life, the roads are as flat and smooth as glass. If all else fails i'll sell my baby and start a new one in TN. naaaa
lucky_brew   +1y
Rivergate resident calling sumner county cops dicks RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!

rivergate = ghettogate!

Goodlettsville is fukin horrible! and dude has kids - i wouldnt let my dog go to schools there!

and i dont know how long youve been here eli but the mini scene sucks in these parts! dude is from AZ its gonna be fukin minitruckin culture shock for him here!

there are minis here and plenty of rides being built but you gotta think how spread out middle tn is - youve gotta drive an hour in various directions to get to any hot spots.

jason bullock is up in white house, i forgot about him.

my buddy tim has a sik nissan and my other friend Gabe has a mini too but both of them keep them parked and dont even get em out for shows. then you have mike building a stock floor f150 on 24s that has never been to a show.

anyway, there are "scenes" here but despite eli's opinion they are few and far between unless you wanna hang with some "draggers" that built their shit in the high school ag shop! and even those are a scarce sight when "cruising" around.
4twnty   +1y
you got a job lined up? ive got many many connections depending what type of biz youre in...

Well i'm in the automotive industrie and am working to get my master ase certification. No job lined up. like i said i only but been there but once so i know no one. thats why i posted this subject to meet peeps and see wheres a good place to live. Plus how tough it is to bring my truck and get it tagged with the least amount of hassle. ex. here in az. they just do a visual for working lites and windshield wipers ect.. i know wipers we dont need these dam things

4twnty   +1y
Well when i get there lucky i'll light a fire under every ones ass to get their shit rollin and rockin like we do here in AZ./West Coast. not a day that goes by that i dont see a MINI rollin the streets. So yes its diffidently gonna be a culture shock but it just might be a good thing too.
draggincaddy   +1y
the roll pan thing can be taken care of with a bar welded inside of it. sometimes cops wont check it, but if you go to court its just like any other fix it ticket. the clerk will come out and look at it and rip up the ticket...

never happened to me, but i know of a few that have.
stockfloored85   +1y
Tn. is great I like it better then Florida. Im in east Tn....... shows are awesome around here, Little shop is close to middle Tn. and Insane customs 10 min. from me. lot of truckin scene.
lucky_brew   +1y
plenty of places to find a tech job man! pay is good too. tn has a bitch of a time finding any good techs. i worked for a bridgestone/firestone co. store for almost 8 years so i know the drill.

bring your mini man - dont sell it or build another! some counties have emissions test. it has to have a gas cap & catalytic convertor first off. if its 94 and up its hooked into the O.B.D. to check for codes - no codes = pass. if its 70something to 93 its gotta be probed and sniffed for shit exhaust. there are no visual inspections. i get tickled that people have to have clean exhaust but steel belts hanging out of tires and busted glass is ok :??: strange i know. TN is friendly but most of its residence arent very intelligent. LOL

bumper law is a bitch anywhere in tn so dont let that dictate where you go or live. if you get a ticket you just get it! no impounding will happen in most cases... ive never heard of such unless you are draggin body or drag racing.

i would live where its safe to park your shit with the windows down at the store and where your kids dont fear to go learn. the other shit are just added bonuses for easy living....
lucky_brew   +1y
yep. itll be a culture shock for sure. what eli didnt post is that you can see a mini if you cruise for HOURS!!!!!!! and most of the time its got an out of state plate and an auto diesel (NADC) parking pass in the windshield. after all, he lives in rivergate which is eat up with apartments that most of those nadc students rent out.

oh, and the bar behind the rollpan work if its half ass connected to the frame but the easy way to get out of it is to take a pic of any brand new truck on any lot with a rollpan or no bumper!

ive got kids bro so i can steer your the right way with a family heart man. not just, move here they have great beer close by or move here everyone cruises the strip on friday. thats dumb shit. its all about family now and the minis are just bonuses right? hahaha

id love for you to meet up with us in october! where is the funeral- i mean wedding?

you guys are welcomed here ANYTIME! (and no mr. lost cause - we arent swingers)

i pm'ed you my number so call me anytime! i live on the phone so whenver you wanna chat bro. the 0775 # is my cell. im off all this week.
laynbody1993   +1y
Tennessee is just about like every other states, theres cops that are dicks and then there is the ones that dont want to worry about pulling someone over because their vehicle is lowered or whatever.. I live here in Murfreesboro,Tn.. Awesome place to live.. Give me a shout!
lost cause   +1y
Tennessee is the shit yo',....I moved out here from southern cali a few years ago and would'nt want to live anywhere else.....

I live in a small ass town (sparta) and the cops around here dont give 2 shits about minitrucks!

I roll within millimeters from dragg'n and never get fucked with They will pull you over for dragg'n your shit though.............

And since I've moved out here the scene has grown alot.....definetlty a great place to live and be a minitrucker lol

Just my

Dope ass screen name btw......