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Mini Truckin General \  Minitruckers and their significant others...

Minitruckers and their significant others...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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sideshizzle   +1y
Mine doesn't care what I do and she works on the weekend so if I'm not home then its no big deal. She's been to one show with me and hated it and said that she won't be back. It's great. That makes the weekends half as cheap for me and I can eat at Burger King instead of Papadeux. lol
grillift   +1y
my lady is in our club with her magnum so she digs it...she gets a little grumpy at the end of the shows...sitting in the heat all day is the part she dosent like.
dragnlow   +1y
My wife of 15 years has been into since day one....lucky me. She busts her as at her 9-5 to make sure we finish this taco sometime this enternity. And for the sake of my current build she has patience unlike me...haha
holcombe347   +1y
my girlfriend thinks my toyota is cute. She likes it. actually she's even started talking about wanting to get her own truck and make it better than mine. haha... at least she is on my side with the customizing bug.
scotto79   +1y
Originally posted by Zip_Tyd

My wife hates my truck, gets pissed whenever I spend money, and hates mini trucks...but she still loves me though.

That is the exact same as my wife, she thought I would have thrown my mazda out 3 months after buying it. Its been a year of building and now shes jealous of the time that my truck gets at night.
holcombe347   +1y
Originally posted by notlowyet

Originally posted by Zip_Tyd

My wife hates my truck, gets pissed whenever I spend money, and hates mini trucks...but she still loves me though.

That is the exact same as my wife, she thought I would have thrown my mazda out 3 months after buying it. Its been a year of building and now shes jealous of the time that my truck gets at night.

tell her to come hang out in the garage with you....tell her if she helps you can get it done faster. haha
94NissanLaysDoor   +1y
Originally posted by HOLCOMBE347

Originally posted by notlowyet

Originally posted by Zip_Tyd

My wife hates my truck, gets pissed whenever I spend money, and hates mini trucks...but she still loves me though.

That is the exact same as my wife, she thought I would have thrown my mazda out 3 months after buying it. Its been a year of building and now shes jealous of the time that my truck gets at night.

tell her to come hang out in the garage with you....tell her if she helps you can get it done faster. haha

I tried that one! lol....Didn't work so well either
corey0814   +1y
Edited: 7/30/2008 1:00:37 PM by corey0814

^^ ^^

my x was like that & my "then" girlfriend likes the scene & now has now been my wife for the last 8 years!

do_spiderman   +1y
My wife is into it. Even has had her own rides, working on another one soon.