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Ask A Pro \  Severe wheel wobble under braking

Severe wheel wobble under braking

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dragyours2001   +1y
Edited: 8/19/2008 11:03:20 AM by Whitejones

Edited: 8/19/2008 9:35:07 AM by Whitejones

The blazer in my profile, has a severe wobble when I brake and im doing over 40. But at slower speeds nothing at all abnormal happens. Is this most likely a ball joint going bad or a warped rotor? P.s it is not bagged it has a lift kit, and this is my first lifted vehicle.
MIOTCH616   +1y
its known as the "death wobble" most lifted trucks get it. check and make sure all your suspension is tight first but generally a steering stabilizer will cure the problem
FADE2BLK94   +1y
Could also be warped rotors, very common sign of warped rotors. I always thought "death wobble" was just at a cruising speed without braking, am I wrong?
MIOTCH616   +1y
generally if it were the rotors it would do i all the time at hi and low speeds. the wobble will kick in under breaking also cuz when u break it causes the vehicles wweight to shift forward adding stress to front end. it could also be something as simple as just the tires are unbalanced. what size tires are on it?
STUD1Y   +1y
Originally posted by MIOTCH616

generally if it were the rotors it would do i all the time at hi and low speeds. the wobble will kick in under breaking also cuz when u break it causes the vehicles wweight to shift forward adding stress to front end. it could also be something as simple as just the tires are unbalanced. what size tires are on it?

not necessarily

it would depend on the amount of run out of the rotor, and the speed would be a function of the frequency at which it was wobbling.

I've had rotors that go out of flat and shake violently from 80 to 60 braking, but you couldn't tell at 40 to 0 braking.

I would make sure everything is tight first, but the steering issue would be constant braking or not, unless you had 1 caliper hanging up more than the other causing the steering wheel itself to jerk.

BioMax   +1y
Lifted trucks are extremely critical about toe.

I have also seen tires that for no reason start the "death wobble." The tire will look fine, but something internally is wrong causing the tire to wobble after hitting a bump or seeing any other outside force, like braking.
MIOTCH616   +1y
when we lifted a 05 f250 it started, and as soon as we put a dual steering stabalizer on it was fine
MIOTCH616   +1y
i did the lifted truck thing before getting into minis. used to have a 98 ranger with 14 inches of lift and still had ifs on the front. have run numerous 4x4 shops. ive run into it millions of times. the stabilizer will work. but i always reccomend you check out the suspension first cuz that doesnt cost you anything.
BioMax   +1y
Mitch- I'm not denying that you know your stuff, but I'm the guy that everyone comes to when noone else can figure out what is wrong. I have had a few trucks come to me that had steering stablilizers yet still had the wobbles. You are probably right, but don't ever think that you have all the answers, that is the moment that you stop learning.
MIOTCH616   +1y
no disrespect at all intended. i know you know your stuff! way more than i do! half your posts confuse the hell out of me. i wasnt trying to come off like that at all. ide listen to anything you said over what i said. your comment wasnt far off from mine actually.... it was more intended bout the other swearing it was the rotors.