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Mini Truckin General \  AIM...why bash AVS...

AIM...why bash AVS...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 37
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bigg gess   +1y
I got my Nov. issue of Minitruckin' and as I'm lookin through the pages I noticed AIM bashing AVS...WTF...I live in Cen Cal and the times my brother and I have been to AVS they take care of us with any Q's or problems we might ask F*#K AIM...not starting a thread bash, but not a cool move from AIM...L8TR
groundscr8pr   +1y
if you havnt noticed aim has made a series of not cool moves since they went into buisiness. aim and uncool go hand in hand!
noclrnce   +1y
Correct me if im wrong but....isnt that what Joe is trying to sue everyone for?
dssur   +1y
all these aim threads make me want to vomit, but I guess it keeps people from being "haters" to each other

seriously though, most of these threads can be condensed into two posts:

post 1: "aim wtf"

post 2-300000: "I AGREE"
jdm customs   +1y
post 300001 I AGREE
toreadorxlt   +1y
im a forum hater. I won't buy anything from AIM again after his publicity stunts. Honesty and quality product goes further in my book. AVS Kris is on like every forum making shit right IMO.
inomrthenudo   +1y
Because AVS makes better parts and shAIM knows that.
chevygurly   +1y
Thanks guys! We have great customer service and kick ass products. Both speak for themselves.

I don't get on this forum too often but if anyone has any questions feel free to call or email me
559-486-5444 ext 112

Check out this link for our response to the recent ADs
OldSkool720   +1y
There also calling out FBI.When i was reading his ad's i saw this and i thought this was really funny in his ad.and i quote

"AVS & FBI are small companies that might possibly not be there if you have a warranty down the road."

well at the rate your going youll be out of business way before them.

and this

"When small companies cannot compete, they stoop to low tactics,calling the other companies junk... This is B.S."

I may be wrong but FBI and AVS have not called your products junk. Everyone who has ever bought your products are calling it junk!

I think all this "im going to sue u" thing is funny just let him waste his money on ads that are going unread
smithchassis   +1y
now, I use Lift Spindles and Drop Spindles from chassis tech and have never had a problem with the shipping or product, but I know that they can be/are whores if your not a company because they could prolly really give give a shit less if they piss one customer off they can just screw over the next, but the character of Joe Morrow is rediculous, just shows his immaturity, now recently he did do one thing i do respect very much but this isnt the place to discuss that. Joe Morrow is feeling the hit of FBI AVS, airlift in his pocket thats why hes calling them out, because the average guy that picks up a MT in kroger sees his 36000 ads and says hey these guys must me good.