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Air Ride Suspensions \  D.O.M Steel Round Tube Question

D.O.M Steel Round Tube Question

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
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replies 43
following 25
BioMax   +1y
That would be completely new news to me. I can't imagine that it's true tho because there isn't a hard spot in it when it is machined like true welded seam tubing has. I will have to do some homework on that one.
supravan   +1y
and what do u concider pipe, MAX?
supravan   +1y
i read all posts and max i still didnt find where some1 said that DOM is a waste of money, i couldve missed it but im sure i didnt
BankruptRam   +1y
Thanks for the answers! Lucky, Russell.... I seem to recall she has big boobs!

I am new to round tube for suspension and chassis building and when calling the steel yards I use they only have schedule 40 and 80 pipe. DOM is special order and expensive. As far asmild steel what should I be asking for and is it not a common item? What wall thickness are you using? Anybody in dallas wanna tell me where they buy it?

AVTekk   +1y
anything thats rated in 'schedules' is pipe and not for structural use. i use DOM when needed, otherwise ill go for what my metal shop calls 'CruTube', same as ERW.
outlawcrewcab   +1y
we use ERW tubing for bridges and DOM on bars or frame work. as far as where to get it check out EMJ in dallas over off 30 and 35 by the mail plant. phone # is 214-741-1761 they are full metal supplier and have anything you could need in stock DOM, tube, sheet, plate ect... the place is HUGE indoor place. i have seen pipe crack around welds. guess thats why then thread it and use fittings. guess you could do the same on bridge work
tre5   +1y
Ok, here is what I practice for round tubing. Anything suspension needs to be 4130 chromoly. A-arms, upper links, lower links, anything suspension related should be chromoly. If you really want to make sure you wil never have anything break you need to get the parts heat treated after they are all welded up. I would also use chromoly for suspension pivots, and mounting points. Mild steel can be used for mounting of misc stuff, air tanks, hydro pumps, crossmembers (important structural crossmembers should be chromo) Mild steel is hrew, crew, crw, erw, ect. It has a million different names, but basicall it is rolled and welded. In my opionin DOM is just an inbetween for mild and chromoly. The only time to use DOM is if you are really, REALLY, watching your budget. The cost difference between chromoly and DOM is not that much, so just use the better one (chromoly). DOM tubing IS welded tubing. After it is welded, it is (D)rawn (O)ver a (M)andrel. This makes the weld virtually disappear. It was welded though. I don't really use any DOM tubing... either mild or chromoly.
tenfrontier   +1y
Originally posted by tre5

Ok, here is what I practice for round tubing. Anything suspension needs to be 4130 chromoly. A-arms, upper links, lower links, anything suspension related should be chromoly. If you really want to make sure you wil never have anything break you need to get the parts heat treated after they are all welded up. I would also use chromoly for suspension pivots, and mounting points. Mild steel can be used for mounting of misc stuff, air tanks, hydro pumps, crossmembers (important structural crossmembers should be chromo) Mild steel is hrew, crew, crw, erw, ect. It has a million different names, but basicall it is rolled and welded. In my opionin DOM is just an inbetween for mild and chromoly. The only time to use DOM is if you are really, REALLY, watching your budget. The cost difference between chromoly and DOM is not that much, so just use the better one (chromoly). DOM tubing IS welded tubing. After it is welded, it is (D)rawn (O)ver a (M)andrel. This makes the weld virtually disappear. It was welded though. I don't really use any DOM tubing... either mild or chromoly.

I am glad Detroit doesn't see it that way or our cars would cost twice as much.

BuiltByBrooks   +1y
Edited: 9/4/2008 10:27:07 AM by tacoma101

Material Yield Strength, PSI*

*ASTM Grade A-53 pipe 30, 000

*1020 ERW tube 40, 000

*1020 DOM 70, 000

*4130 Cr-Mo 90,000

*4340 Cr-Mo 120,000
tenfrontier   +1y
^great info