No, its not me I am just saying the first thing said is "must be the tard that bought it" If half of you spent as much time workign on your trucks instead of complaining about someone elses build then there would be alot of completed cars around here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, unfortunately there is way more negative than positive on any of these threads.
Large wheels weren't "meant" to be on minis, but we did it.... Trucks weren't meant to have their beds filled with suspension and stereo equipment we do that too.
Don't worry, I will never, have never asked for any opinions on my builds, why? cause I build them for me and to be different not to please anyone else. Once we start pleasing everyone else, there will be some pretty boring rides out there cause no one will want to build anything "different" .
I said what I need to say, I am going to crawl back in the hole I came from and not wiew this forum ever again, talk shit haters.