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Mini Truckin General \  "Baby Rat"

"Baby Rat"

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 2307
replies 79
following 60
project_77   +1y
i'd rock it. the scene is about custom and building something different. I think it would look better with wide white walls.
FreaksLo720   +1y
lets all be gay and built s-10's on 20's. who care's what who think's. if it wasn't for people doing different sh*t we wouldn't be were we are now. some good some bad but thats what make the world go around....

oh, i like the car wheels and all. dosen't mean i'm going to run out and build one.

disfiguredS10   +1y
^^how you gonna call me out like that?lol I just think its funny how the wheels "don't belong on it" but it's cool as hell if someone puts steelies and whitewalls on their minitruck. kinda the same thing right??
pmiller   +1y
Damn it! We are arguing about this car again?! Geez. Will someone build something else everyone can cry about? Who cares if it doesn't fit any catagories. If you like it, love it, then do. If you don't, then don't. The thing is dope!
relaxednoma   +1y
Edited: 9/4/2008 4:07:41 PM by dragginsonoma

Bad ass. I'd drive the shit outta it. I'd put the wheels on my sonoma though, simply because that is one of my favorite wheels ever.

Although I'd run the same size in Billet Specialties Apex G with the grey face on it.
seanb   +1y
This thread reminds me why minitrucking is a dying sport. One person says one thing, someone disagrees, and before you know it, EVERYONE gets their panties in a wad and wants to fight about.
P   +1y
Edited: 9/4/2008 4:13:16 PM by P

prime example why i sold my truck, waived goodbye to it, jumped into my new car and drove as fast as possible in the opposite direction trying to get as far away from the scene, lifestyle, whatever the dumbass 'i'm so hardcore' ppl wanna call it today.
PatFukenBurke   +1y
Originally posted by pmiller

Damn it! We are arguing about this car again?! Geez. Will someone build something else everyone can cry about? Who cares if it doesn't fit any catagories. If you like it, love it, then do. If you don't, then don't. The thing is dope! Ding... Ding... Ding... Put me it coach! Put me in!

disfiguredS10   +1y
come on guys there's assholes at the grocery store, but you don't stop buying food because of 'em.btw hope my panties didn't seem bunched, i was just trying to put the wheel commments into perspective....who knows, maybe that guy left "the scene" and saved those wheels from his old minitruck. lets all play nice together
nautiquess   +1y
No, its not me I am just saying the first thing said is "must be the tard that bought it" If half of you spent as much time workign on your trucks instead of complaining about someone elses build then there would be alot of completed cars around here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, unfortunately there is way more negative than positive on any of these threads.
Large wheels weren't "meant" to be on minis, but we did it.... Trucks weren't meant to have their beds filled with suspension and stereo equipment we do that too.
Don't worry, I will never, have never asked for any opinions on my builds, why? cause I build them for me and to be different not to please anyone else. Once we start pleasing everyone else, there will be some pretty boring rides out there cause no one will want to build anything "different" .
I said what I need to say, I am going to crawl back in the hole I came from and not wiew this forum ever again, talk shit haters.