ok ya'll, heres the situation....i managed to get the isuzu running and drove it home from work. idk how clean its running, but i changed the oil 3 times, and gotta do it one more time, but leave it running alittle while longer before i change it again. the s10....there is a chance for it also. we decided today just to try to turn it over for the hell of it....put in my old battery and jumper cables from the zu. now remember, i had water up to the door handles and under the dash with all the electrical there, but the computer stayed dry...and it turned over but wouldnt stay running, it run NORMALLY for one or two seconds then die. and the security light was on for a while, but eventually turned off?? so imma drain everything outta it, take the bed off and service everything i can on it....bag it????? bodydrop it??? with the bed off it will be VERY tempting.... just thought id update everyone. and my hometown where i went to school at is still inhabitable and ruined. I dont know how long it will take, possibly a year before it gets back to normal....and all the news already forgot about IKE when KATRINA is still brought up cause they cannot take care of themselves and live on handouts from Fema and Red Cross. NEITHER of these have been down here, and Red Cross isnt going driving around anymore (because of gas) and expect others to get to them with no gas stations and sick and hungry people, George Bush doesnt care about white people. and for the people even more south of us, I hope for the will never be the same.