Edited: 9/14/2008 8:30:57 AM by B_Y_O_B
Edited: 9/14/2008 8:29:31 AM by B_Y_O_B
Edited: 9/13/2008 3:24:01 PM by B_Y_O_B
Edited: 9/13/2008 3:19:34 PM by B_Y_O_B
this is a web site his family has been updating over the years
and a few pictures:
the pinstripe on his hood is a tattoo he had on his forearm, also unknowingly i put a $2 bill in his tailgate with the name of his truck, only to find out that a few months ago he had started a collection of $2 bills! I would also like to thank everyone, this is the reason that minitruckin isnt just a hobby but a lifestyle!