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Mini Truckin General \  i love my mini truck

i love my mini truck

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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puddin06   +1y
So I was just coming out of class and got to the parking lot which is a sea of stock vehicles and then as I make my way through I see my laid out tacoma sitting there and I just giggled cause it
Uncle Fester   +1y
I agree 100% so I stopped loving my Ranger
mtm   +1y
Edited: 9/16/2008 2:54:40 PM by mtm

Yeah I loved mine so much I sold it Nah it wasn't anything special but I got a lot of compliments and it was a really nice truck. I drove it to tenessee and back twice with no problems. I replaced the fuel pump about a month prior to selling it and on THE DAY I sold it, it ran out of gas on the side of the interstate and the passenger side drum brake locked up. Ahhh good times. I figured the fuel pump went out again and it almost had a dent kicked in the side of it. Thankfully it was just GM's poor excuse for a fuel guage. I already figured up how much it would cost to fix the kick dent and decided to deduct that from the ammount the kid was willing to give me for it. Friend talked me out of it lol. Then after handing the damn keys over and getting my check, the truck wouldn't move because the back drum brake locked up. None of this shit happened the whole time I owned the truck. Only when I decide to sell it. Oh well. I've been driving my splash for the last 7 years and I still love it.

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bendapirate   +1y
I know how ya feel. I was driving home one morning and I blew a bag. So I pulled over and I called my pops to come bring me a new one. He said he wouldn't be there til 6ish, pm! It was close enough to walk home but low and behold what did I break down in front of? A bar!!! I went in, and, well I don't really remember how the rest of the day went.
HaVoC1   +1y
Edited: 9/16/2008 3:00:45 PM by HaVoC1

Edited: 9/16/2008 3:00:20 PM by HaVoC1

Lol. I've got a ton, but my most recent was when my motor was dying and I was trying to get it to my buddy's shop. My truck was dying off and on and I couldn't get over 15 MPH, everyone was swerving around me and getting pissed, but it was low, I felt good and I didnt care. I love the way the truck looks, I hate the way it runs, but I dont care cause I

Or another is when I had it at the pavillions (a small car show every saturday night here.) I got all excited, went to leave, tried to show off with the bags then blew one. lol. It was awesome for a bit then really embarrasing. :P
kaoss   +1y
I love your mom.

Silly CAI, lets take the duct tape after that thing.
puddin06   +1y
^^i know becaue i love your mom back

cheese   +1y
standardbyker88   +1y
haha, so last monday i started my 2nd fulltime job. drivin pizzas for papa johns. im 20. its a block away. in a small delivery area. i make bank. i love it. anyways, on my first night, on my first run, my slave cylinder died. id have the clutch down, put it in gear waiting for the light then it would just lug down and die. or wouldnt let me out of gear. then as i was almost back, i lost the pedal all together. coasted into the spot at work. barely. so, i had to walk home a few blocks, get a scissor jack (im 5'8"/140lbs and i can barely get my arms under the truck) and some tools. went across the street to schucks and got a new one. $30. installed it in front of the store. got it goin and finished the night.

the very next day, im gettin ready for work. go out to my truck. and i keep my fender rolling baseball bat next to my seat. id bumped it and it was crooked. so i fix it real quick and stand up to quick, slamming my head into the cab. in anger, i slammed the door. the window was down. i broke the window. not just a crack, it fucking exploded. so hard that glass came out of the window channel and all the way to the pass side floor. it was down. no glass exposed. so i went to the junkyard, got a new one, put it in and went to work. haha. but i love the truck. ive had it a couple months, but its fuckin awesome. nobody seems to have anything bad to say, other than a few old retards i work with who dont like anything lowered. but thats mainly the guy who is, im not shitting 45 years old, has a ponytail, a goatee, a phanny pack for a belt, drives a geo metro, and always hits on the hot little 19 year old asian girl there. soooo....his opinion doesnt mean much. haha.
fatboysS1O   +1y
i hate my truck. mainly cuz its in pieces right now and i cant drive it.