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Mini Truckin General \  correct me if im wrong, need more lift in front...

correct me if im wrong, need more lift in front...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 15
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draggin95niss   +1y
on my hardbody i noticed that the lower bag mount lokks to be pushed out towards the spindle, as in its not directly lined up with the upper bag mount, and look like th ebag is colapsing on itself, now if i cut them out and move them in so they line up with the upper bag mount lika i think its supposed to be will this give me more lift???im gonna try to get a ouplce pics up so u guys can see what im talkin about...
KEEF   +1y
Closer the bag is to the pivot the more lift u will get so u are correct. Usually have to notch into the frame just a lil for bag clearance when moving it in close.
kaoss   +1y
usually what happens on D21 HBs is that the upper control arm hits the bag mounts when you get to a certain amount of lift. I know some guys flip the control arm upside down and move it to the other side. I would check for more info on that.
draggin95niss   +1y
basically what im sayin is the lower bag mount is offset from the this doesnt look to be correct or am i wrong...
BioMax   +1y
The Firestone engineering handbook says that the top and bottom mounting plates can be as much as one inch, for every convolute, off from each other and still be considered good. That means that because 90% of all front bags out there are double convoluted, that the plates can be as much as 2" offset.

Make sense?
nryota   +1y
people run triple convoluted bags in the front?? or singles at that??

draggin95niss   +1y
max that makes sense but is it truly righ or ok to do it this way...would it hurt anything to cut the lower mounts out and line them up with the uppers?
kaoss   +1y
If you were to line them up, are you moving the lower mounts in(towards the control arm mounts) or out(toward the spindle)? If you are moving them out, you would loose some lift. Do the bags compress completely when the truck is laid out? If not, throw a spacer in there.
maz duh   +1y
How much ift are you getting out of what style/mfg of bags now? If you can get a number maybe ppl can compare to theirs and see if you're on par for lift. A set of upper tube arms that clear the upper bracket for the bag can sometimes net you some extra lift. I did a set of upper arms for one of the guys in my club and he said he picked up over an extra inch of lift as a result. I haven't seen it in person to verify but food for thought regardless.
draggin95niss   +1y
well as of now i have contitech 2500 ....and im runnin a 215/35-18 tire and i only get about 2.5 inch me is not enough....and im talkin about moving the lower mount in towards the pivot point....