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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  whats wrong with my engine?

whats wrong with my engine?

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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replies 16
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low mazda   +1y
in my daily honda accord, how do I know if it's got a broken timing belt? I was driving down the road this morning and it just died. I tried to crank it up, and it wouldn't start. THen it acted like it was going to, and I heard a pop. Then it would sound different when I turned it over and it's acting like it don't even want to.

How do I know if it's a broken timing belt, and what may have been messed up by this happening?
pearldrop   +1y

If it is the timing belt there is a really good chance that you bent some valves. Don't turn it over more than you need to.

If you take off the valve cover you can tell if the belt is broken when you try to turn over the engine. If nothing moves, it is broken.
I would use a socket on the crank to try turning it. The more you try starting it the more damage you can do.
low mazda   +1y
is it hard to change a timing belt?
obey   +1y
Well, it
pearldrop   +1y
Yeah, it is a tight squeeze but it isn't that hard. The hard part is if you bent the valves, so you should really take the head off and get it inspected.

97hrdbdy   +1y
you can check for bent valves my putting air in each cylinder with the valves closed and check for air coming back through the intake or out the exhaust
wstewart58   +1y
i had a 94 accord wagon once jus to buy an re-sell it jumped time an didnt bend a valve but had some major piston slap goin on...needless to say a days worth of tinkering an 4 bottles of lucas dumped in the oil later she ran like a dream long enough 4 some idiot to come buy it
pmiller   +1y
Probably didn't hurt anything. They're not hard to change at all. It'll probably take 2-3 hrs with a book and not having done one before. Check in the distributor cap first. Sometimes the screw that holds the rotor button likes to back out. It will make the engine sound like that too. You can pull the valve cover off and then the top timing belt cover. You can see if it popped then. If it did and you do change the belt don't forget to replace the timing belt tensioner.
low mazda   +1y
ok, it didn't break. it's still good. I was told it was new 6 months ago when I bought it, but without seeing it, you never know. So I am assuming it jumped timing. I took off the dist. cap and made sure it was good, and everything was fine under it, so now I am back at square one.

How can I tell if it's jumped timing?
97hrdbdy   +1y
remove the cover, rotate engine until all the timing marks on the gears line up