Renny,Anthony's Isuzu couldn't win MT truck of the year,because it wasn't on the cover.It was on the cover of ST and won their truck of the year.As for politics regarding Truck,club,and show of the year,I don't see any problem.Splash of Merc got 3 votes,black Yota 2 votes,Kyle got 2 votes,Eli's Mazda got 4 votes,Chico's Frontier got 1,and the Bayou Dawg got 1.Editor's and freelancer's voted,even last year's winner of TOY voted.No politics,just fair vote.One last note,had Anthony went with MT,it would have been interesting.He said,something to the effect that,how many mini's appear on the cover of ST?As oppossed to MT,which is all Mini's.He made the choice.