Originally posted by Uneek1
Everyone on here is saying how good Smc's are but I had 3 valves fail over a 6 month period. Luckily it was on my fill side, but when power was sent to the solenoid, the valves would stay open. I run a water seperator and I live in AZ where it never rains. The valves were in all different locations on the truck. I tried cleaning them and inspecting the internals, nothing helped. I switched to DANZ and have had no problems for over 2 years. Just a thought. I'd do ASCO or Danz.
SMC's had big problems if they got any moisture in them at all. Graphite seemed to help alot. GC's you have to tear apart, stretch the spring, and use graphite to lube them up and they didn't stick as much. Parkers are made to handle Gas, Liquid, and Oil. So it didn't hurt them to go without a water trap, unless it's freezing outside then the water inside the valves freeze.