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Mini Truckin General \  1st time being pulled over

1st time being pulled over

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Drag2blaze   +1y
Wow i feel old im on ticket 94 with several different charges. I have been in a custom ride since i was 16....Cops love my money.
automatik23   +1y
man i hate gettin pulled over...the small town i used to live in was throwin a show and the night before the show they closed off the main street in the city for a cruise night for any and all custom vehicles....i wanted to avoid trouble being that i was bagged so i asked if i could drag and the cop said yea, just no burnouts. so im cruisin around and i decided to lay it out goin about 40mph and go all the way down which is about 2 miles well when i get to the end and pick up the truck i got 2 cops behind me, one in a car and one on a motorcycle...turns out the one in the car is the police chief!!! just my luck, i got pulled over for destruction of state property so they get me and my gf and start askin questions, the chief is talkin to her(her dads a county sherriff) well when he hears her last name he says "just make sure he doesnt do this anymore because i was going to arrest him and impound the vehicle but i know your dad so ill let u guys go" hahaha pretty shi**y since i was told by a cop that i could drag
92yota   +1y
speaking of cops just doing it to harass you, i had a cop pass me on the interstate one time, i was doing about 70, then he slowed down, then passed me again, then got behind me and pulled me over for an expired inspection sticker.....
CCtuckinlexaniz   +1y
Originally posted by STdragonass

u shoulda laid the truck out sissy!!! theres nuthin better then gettin pulled over in my toyota ,layin it out and the cop walks up to the truck and his crotch is eye level with my window and the fucker refuses to crouch down and talk to me, i just hand my license and registration out the rag top to the fuckers! haha

ShakinPlates   +1y
Dont come to Pismo. I got my cherry popped for the same thing and it cost me around $250 after traffic school... Not as forgiving over here I guess.
FreaksLo720   +1y
anyone one been pulled over for draging in front of a cop, get a reckless driving ticket. then have your car Reso? i have.

thanx to everyone again that helped me get my car back the next day so i could make it home..

msturg   +1y
not my first time by any means but my most recent.

Coming back from a show in my ranger with the ass end pretty low, going just a little over the speed limit. I see the cop in my rear view come up real fast and then slow way down in the lane next to me. They chill back there for a while then duck in behind me and pull me over.

They come up to the window and ask me if I know that my bumper is really close to the ground in the ass end. I told them no. (I didn't think it was nearly as low as they were describing since I didn't drag on any bumps or pulling over on the side of the road) They also mention my speeding asking do you know how fast you were going, they tell me I was going 70. Just for the record, the speed limit was 65 and I was in the middle lane with people all around me.

Well they go back to their car, and I swear it was the longest wait ever, had to be 10 minutes or longer of us just sitting there. I could see that they were calling people left and right.

Come back up to the window and give me a written warning for speeding and tell me I should get the back fixed because they weren't going to give me a ticket for it but someone else might. Too bad that's not true since the reason it took them so long is they were clearly trying to find out if the state or city or county had any law against it, which they don't.

Then as I was pulling away, since I was accelerating the ass end scrapes, lol. Had to pop it up and go.

Next day I look at the written warning, they wrote 70 as they had told me, then SCRATCHED it out and wrote 71. Jackasses
22dragn   +1y
I've been pulled over for being a distraction to other drivers(no ticket cop gave me a warning) and also for altering my suspension while moving(another warning).
1HiZ   +1y
ha ha listen to this shit....well we was all setting in "old walmart" parking lot jus hangin out and we kinda got pulled over....anyways we was setting there and cop takes our licenses and runs our shit come back and says " anyone wanna take bets on who has the worst driving record?" lol i raise my hand he says i guess u already know lol hands our stuff back lol but while we are waiting my buddy snaps this pic of me settin in my chair lol

post photo
no1lowr   +1y
ive been rolled a couple times in my toyota, one chippy told me he was gonna tow it, as he walked back to his car i layed it out, locked the switchbox and called for a ride.. he just drove off after that.