Speaking of American Chopper, not that it really matters, or that anyone really cares, but this is my opinion:
These are not "choppers". These are what your Dentist spends 50-75k on when he wants to play "bad-ass" on the weekend.
Worthless. These guys run these big inch motors and 300+ tires but can't do dick with them cause they ride and handle like pootie. Oh, but they look cool.
Now these here are a man's bike. Clean, functional, simple.
Well handling, nice ride, plenty of power. You could ride all day and be tottaly comfortable.
Nice and clean. Doesn't scream, "I HAVE A SMALL PEE-PEE!!!" like the other two above. A barhopper for the working man.
I really don't know where I was going with this. Just wanted to express my opinion, I guess.
*Steps down off soapbox*