ghetto. what i did with my wagon when i took the body off. i got 4 2x4's nailed two together. jacked up front and put 2x4's from side to side on jackstands. then did the back. jacked up front then back and kept raising the jackstangs. worked out cool. is a little sketchy but i did it in my driveway by myself on a slant. goodluck.
a couple years back my buddy was at a show and some guy was selling an extension piece you put on a cherry picker and lift the body. i nevers aw it though. jack up the body roll out the frame thats the simplist way
thanks I appreciate it...i did some research and i think im going to ahern and renting a blue bird lift and its only 40 bux its supposed to have a reach of 10ft its for taking engines out of boats i guess..hopefully works lol...but im thinking a mixture of beer and some friends should work the best =) thnx guys!