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General Discussion \  what does anyone do?

what does anyone do?

General Discussion
views 11623
replies 69
following 16
low95xlt   +1y
dude i have been playing since i was 5 and am 26 now yea i played all thru hs, played in college and went to europe to play in a few tournaments, also got into teaching kids how to play and now i jsut ref, notto much time to play rather make money and plus my fiance coaches and plays soccer still LOL
low95xlt   +1y
and yes i will admit to being a foot fairy i knew someone would say it LOL
maz89   +1y
I've played soccer most my life, love it! lol, what did you think of the turn out in the world cup?
low95xlt   +1y
disappointed, zidane tarnished the soccer world, didn't want a pk final but who knows would of liked to see a save or 2
dragginbody   +1y
automotive shop.... tires, wheels, mufflers, state inspections....student also.
pig rig   +1y
aw shit thought you were making a smart ass coment to get back on topic then it dawned on me you were stating where you worked
liljlowrider   +1y

All i got is one word to say bout that GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY
lockone   +1y
I do whatever I want to do.
Owner of auto. shop we sale it all from tires to porno
jcampbell1180   +1y
Project Manager for the biggest/best pile driving contractor on the West Coast.

Foundation Pile Inc., baby!!!

Yeah, I do alright...
bdydrped   +1y
gm parts guru for th epast 10 years.... but lookin for a new line of work this place is boring... thinking bout oilfield welding