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General Discussion \  what does anyone do?

what does anyone do?

General Discussion
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replies 69
following 16
liljlowrider   +1y

oh what drag... auto painter isnt good enough.. you gotta be a auto refinisher.... Im AutoBody Master(oreilly's) certified so take that...really we use diamont and ppg..
Post was last edited on Jul 18, 2006 03:07. This post has been edited 1 times.
low95xlt   +1y
i am certified too a certifed slacker
pig rig   +1y
dud you've got a gravy gig trust me you don't want to weld for big oil your always looking for work
your always the reason the jobs not on schedule
every one think its a peice of cake to weld up pipe and pass x- ray every time
I wish I had a dollar for every time that I've handed my stinger to some one that told me that welding is easy
and you wonder why I'm try my hand at my own buisness of making ornamental iron
don't get me wrong big oil has been good to me its fed me for the last 20 yrs
when you work thats all you do no family, no life, no hobbys, sleep and work, and chase work (that means travel)
pig rig   +1y

you wet the bed because you play with fire
maz89   +1y

I'm ASE Certified, Welding Certified, and I-Car Gold Certified, can I be cool too!?
trevor g   +1y

Sun 102.3fm. No website yet. Supposed to be soon though!
liljlowrider   +1y

hell yea your cool in my book... but youll have to ask drag if he approves.
bdydrped   +1y

gravey and no pay..... enough to scrape by everymonth and thats it...if i didnt have my shop to work at nights and weekends pulling in extra $ i couldnt afford to have any fun.

the place i been talking to fabs all their own traielrs and such and thats what i would be doin. and i was off a lil was thinking about the place here in town not where i am wanting to go that is the oil place , where i wanna go does natrual gas frac.. and i would be in the shop from 6am-4 pm.
guilty by design   +1y

Hopefully ornamential iron is more popular up there, its non existant down here.

Im AWS certified, but dont need to ask if im cool... already know it.
jcampbell1180   +1y
I would just like to take this moment and point out the fact that PigRig can't spell.


Buddy, let me help you out with a few of your worst offenders:

Dud / Dude
Hay / Hey (strictly a grammatical error)
werd / weird

The list is huge, but these are some repeat customers.

On a side note, a little punctuation might help you out. Sometimes I feel like I need to take a nap after deciphering one of your posts.

Just looking out for you, Brother.