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General Discussion \  what does anyone do?

what does anyone do?

General Discussion
views 11619
replies 69
following 16
pig rig   +1y
when I went back to school to up gread my weld certs. I had to take a math class and every one was use'n a calculator and heres the dumn ass (me) over in the corner do it all long form
but I was the only one that new how to find the square root with out a calculator that includes the teacher
jcampbell1180   +1y
...whats a square route?...
bdydrped   +1y
thats the route you take to get to a place only using 90 degree turns.
onefasthoagie   +1y

before they invented the circle and "wheel" when duallys had 6 square tires.
low95xlt   +1y
square root is that some suthern slang or somethin a dirty south word
low95xlt   +1y
i know i know its one of them 6 wheeled person only words LOL
onefasthoagie   +1y

before i came to this site i thought dually was spelled duelly lol
pig rig   +1y
all have short comings
jcampbell1180   +1y

Thats because your an idiot.

droppedcrewcab   +1y
I build cool dually wheels for a living..........Brent