LOL i almost got in a fight with a crackhead in front of walmart the other night, fucker was like "I was going to park there, you fucking pussy" So i had to get out and laugh at him, so he went to the next row and got out and ran up to me to hit me and just started screaming how he was going to kick my ass, so I explained to him he would need to take me out on the first punch, cause if he didn't, that this pussy would take him out.... Then he said, you just stand there thinking your all cool with your four wheels.. So i explained to him, "When a truck has 4 wheels on the back its called a dually", he procedded to call me a pussy and walk off, so I explained to him that i'm still here waiting, so I don't think i'd be considered the pussy here. I waited outside for a bit to make sure he didn't fuck with my truck and he drove by one more time and said for me to "keep a eye out on your truck", so i just said again, I think the pussy is the one that would do something behind someones back, if you were a man, you would do it in front of me.. I stayed calm the whole time, i've learned here in austin 99% of the people just talk and won't do shit. Crap, its been forever since i've been in a fight. LOL It pays for me not to drink and shit... LOL