That is the part that i cannot understand, why even bother sending out bits and pieces. Why not complete a order and then move to the next... It's like going to a restaurant and ordering a hamburger.. Do they bring you the burger, wait a hour bring you the buns, and then another half hr bring you the toppings.. I don't know maybe its just me but this makes no sense to me at all.. Just trying to pacify people for a minute?? At some point he just needs to throw in the towel and call it.. Stop playing games with people.. that's would be more respecful than playing games with people.. Obviously he's having a hard time with his parts suppliers.. you say you got arms but nothing else. makes sense, we have watts with no bushings, end-links.. just the raw steel parts have been recieved.. so basically that tells me that he owes his suppliers and they have cut him off.. Also i'm missing my Water jetted 4-link bars.. at this point a few pieces of steel don't cost that much, so is it the water jet that's holding him up.. I'm guessing so as he sent the other links that didn't need water jet work.. So my guess is he also owe's his water jet guy.. But according to my bro, he got with him and said he had the 4-link bars done just needed to weld the ends, we shall see. or another excuse to kill time.. we shall see..