Like Jeff and everyone has said before, support your favorite magazines. If you like a magazine, dont just sit there at the grocery and look through it to see whats out, BUY it, or get a subscription for about the price of a couple lunches. Obviously, the nearly $2bil in debt Source acquired over the past few years is going to hurt, I doubt theyre going away, just trying to get money more in their favor, but that most likely means they will start cutting titles as they have been cutting everything else. Next time youre buying that compressor or set of wheels, think about the companies that advertise and support the magazines and try to purchase from them and mention the magazine title. Ads are necessary and we try to best balance out the ad to edit ratio so that the ads dont overpower the content, but its needed to cover the costs of the actual printing each month. Best we can do in this is support eachother as its all a big circle so when the economy turns around (it always has), the companies/mags have survived.