---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Stormstyles---------------------------------------------Originally posted by dumpednshavedBringing this back in hopes that you will read this but I have sent you an email and tried to get in touch with you with no luck. If you get this please hit me back on here or in email.--------------------------------------------- Wes I do truly appologise but I have responded to all my emails concerning any frame or products. I also have answered every call or voicemail left. What is it that I can help you with? Do you have my correct email?
Siac@knology.net or
sean@seriouslyinsaneautoconcepts.com. Either one will reach me. --------------------------------------------- Its all good. I just assumed that you were extremely busy. Plus I called later in the day around 6 I believe so you might not have been in. I did email from your site and I got a generic response saying that you would reply soon or something. Anyways, I have some questions about a frame. I will email you again or you can hit me up @
jennyandwes_pence@hotmail.com Thanks for responding. I thought I might get you here.