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South East \  breakin the souths cherry

breakin the souths cherry

South East Regional
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bodydropped85   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by twistedsdime---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Dejavujames likes tea he really likes them.... a lot---------------------------------------------I heard the same thing too!!!---------------------------------------------haha lol!

What about grits?
travis98s10   +1y

Rednecks, racing, and mullets
achievment_farmer   +1y
Edited: 6/2/2009 10:19:39 PM by achievment_farmer

yeah, grits racing mullets and rednecks   i don't what yall call it liver pudding or liver mush  but you cant find it here oh yeah what about the words:   y'all, yonder, HOSE PIPE, drop cord, and all those words     they say you guys, over there, garden hose, lead cord and stuff like that.  also, there is no hardees, sonic, ci-ci's pizza, piggly wiggly, bi-lo, food lion, winn dixie chicken and wafflessteak biscuits for breakfast  i can go on and on,  


takes me back to good ol' south carolina 
dragn168   +1y
biscuts and gravy and country fried steak vinegar based bbq and bonfire parties in the woods oh yeah body dropping a truck in a barn next to a tractor! lol
down2earthdawg   +1y

southern woman nuff said !!!!! and another plug for the diamond tea love that stuff!
minihorse   +1y
oh and the always delicious waffle house! diamond is the shizzle.
hang time mazda   +1y

Where the f*#k do you guys find this Red Diamond Tea???? I can't find it anywhere to see if its as good as you all say it is.
h2omelon(nick)   +1y

Mosquitos as big as small birds!
razorburn   +1y
Edited: 6/4/2009 7:13:51 AM by razorburn

I've been told i live in the Florida part of Alabama  .....or use to anyway.  Now I'm in the Florida part of GA.   Is there really a difference.....   
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