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Mid West \  STL?


Mid West Regional
views 5874
replies 58
following 24
juicedwagon   +1y

yeah im the only NC guy from stl that gets on this site. stl seams weak if you dont know anyone, it took me a few years to meet everyone, i thought i was the only person in stl for a little bit
layeddime   +1y
so when r we all gettin together to go down the the graffiti wall? chop chop guys cause i dont have heat in the truck.

would ya'll be down for a get together one weekend?  might be fun to get all the stl and surrounding areas together.  I would call and ask chico but he never answers the phone. lol
StockFloorHombre   +1y

Jackson Area Im here
NCsteven   +1y

We need to do that before it get way to cold!

NCsteven   +1y

layeddime   +1y
a few of us should be at the graffiti wall and down on the river this sunday if the weather is nice! woot woot. may be the last time to get the jimmy out this year
dakotascrapin   +1y
Been in stl all my life an in the scene 15 + yrs... Bitches !!!
dakotascrapin   +1y
Been in stl all my life, been in the scene over 15 yrs, Bitches !!!
layeddime   +1y
where at in stl.?????????