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Mini Truckin General \  VIRGINIA drivers

VIRGINIA drivers

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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LayFrame   +1y
Im getting ready to finally get my bagged Yota on the road. I know altered suspension in Virginia is a big no-no..Ive gotten my fair share of tickets, Like im sure all of you have..Im wondering..From other experiences, What is the desciding factor when a cop simply gives you an "altered suspension" ticket and when he descides to have your vehicle towed immediately..Ive heard of people getting towed just because of bags..But ive also heard some have just gotten away with tickets..Is it that he can just be a dick if he wants to be and have it towed?..Or is there some sort of process he has to go through before he can legally tell you that you are not to drive your vehicle on a VA roadway..??...Im assuming as long as your not draggin frame and showing your ass your straight right..?..
east*coast*nomad   +1y

really depends on the cop, dont act a fool and drag it everywhere. and ride at a respectable height and you might be good. but still an issue when it comes to inspection.
dragitall   +1y

make it ride at stock height and get a bed cover, wouldent that work?
LayFrame   +1y

All those steps have already been/will be taken care of..Hide everything that even gives a hint that it has bags..Tonneau cover, hide switches, riding at normal ride height..Not dumping it when parked etc etc etc...Im not talking about the obvious stuff..I guess I should just rephrase..ONCE YOUR CAUGHT and have been pulled over..What will make a cop simply give you and altered suspension ticket OR make him have your vehicle towed...I guess maybe there really isnt an answer to this..Its his own judgement to deem it unsafe?..And if YOU the driver are cool about the whole situation...I was just thinking maybe someone knows something more than I do about it..Like there is a certain procedure he has to go through before he comes to the towing conclusion...

east*coast*nomad   +1y

nope by law if he thinks it unsafe its gonna be towed, he will take your tags then tell you to fix it and he will have to inspect it to make sure its safe and you will get your tags back. that being said just don't act like an ass when you get pulled over talk to the cop like an adult and you will be cool, unless its a state dawg then you will probably be screwed lol. but this is all my personal experience
lowazzmaz   +1y

I lived in VA and had a lowered nissan, window tint, aftermarket exhaust the whole 9 yards. Anyway the day I was moving I got pulled by a state trooper. The chick was cool she was just gonna give me a tint ticket and let me go. Her superior showed up and it was all over then. He whipped out his tape measure got me for too low, was gonna try to get my fog lights till I showed him they were hooked to the low beams and that really pissed him off, he proceeded to give me the tint ticket and improper equipment for the steering wheel and the exhuast. He said now that I have written three tickets I can tow ya. I told him well since I am leaving the state and he wont ever see me again to just let me go with the tickets and I pointed out the moving truck behind me. I got lucky I guess you could say and was able to drive away with three tickets. Long story short they WILL find something to pull you over for and crawl all around your ride to find something wrong. It's a commonwealth what do you want.
pdolgner   +1y
I figured this one out a while ago.  you go to work for the sheriffs office as a deputy, then when you get pulled over you inform the officer you have your off duty weapon on you and show him or her your sheriffs dpt. ID and then they say cool thanks for letting me know have a good day.  Works for me...
pdolgner   +1y
Unless it's Utah highway patrol, then they say "well you should know better".
dropyrs   +1y

I've been bagged for 7 years and I've had state troopers crawl under my truck and look at everything and he didn't give me a ticket.  The biggest thing you have to remember is if you act like an adult they will treat you like an adult 99 out of 100 times(always a change you will run across a strait dick).  Ride at a good height and don't be doing stupid shit and for the most part they will leave you alone. 
low4lif   +1y

Not tring to hijak your post but what part of Va. are you guys from? I just moved up here and tring to meet some mini trucker. I know there is a guy name Mitch on here, he has a 4 runner and got screwed when he got pulled over. Tags taking, towed and had to have the truck fixed to where the frame didnt touch the ground.