---------------------------------------------Originally posted by TwistedMinisEdited: 6/16/2009 2:13:58 AM by TwistedMinisI would probably narrow a Toyota clip a bit to match the stock track width, since Toyota's are slightly wider and will change the offset you need to run. I still don't like MII setups. For the amount of travel you would need on a BD Ranger, a MII just won't cut it. I would go Toyota or scratch built over MII any day. Clipping a Ranger would be cleaner too, just because of the frame design.--------------------------------------------- hub to hub.. a toyota (pre-taco) is narrower then a i-beam ranger. Before we did the first cuts I think it was around a inch overall narrower.. Another benifit with the toyota clip is that it is easier to drop the motor enough so that you can still use a stock hood..