---------------------------------------------Originally posted by LowriderLeeDO those front wheels have an alightment issue? Looks like they kinda toe out in the front... ---------------------------------------------Of course its going to toe out the alignment is going to change from ride height to full drop
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by STATUSPITS---------------------------------------------Originally posted by LowriderLeeDO those front wheels have an alightment issue? Looks like they kinda toe out in the front... ---------------------------------------------Of course its going to toe out the alignment is going to change from ride height to full drop--------------------------------------------- I don't know if "of course" is the thought that most people have for that issue on bagged minitrucks but ok. And if asking a simple question is "hating" then yea F the haters! lol
When it's is pointing out something that is obviously wrong, I wouldn't call it "hating." I would call it "pointing out something that is obviously wrong."
me personally, I think the truck is SICK! who cares what other people think about it because there may be some people out there who wish they could have a truck like this. once again though, truck is sick bro.