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West \  Socal Beach Cruise

Socal Beach Cruise

West Regional
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2FNCLN   +1y
Edited: 7/8/2009 7:57:43 PM by SSM-Johnny O

Here is the final cruise stop list.   Stop #1 is as set previously; On the Border in El Cajon, meeting @ 7:30 am roling out @ 8:30 am.  meets here and this shouldn't be an issue at all!!   Stop #2 in Escondido; Carls Jr off of Valley Parkway off the 15. Joel said that's where meets up and they've never had any hassles. Meeting time there is 9:15-9:30 am, rolling out at 10:00 am.   Stop #3 as set previously at Extreme Audio with Joel in Riverside. Extreme Audio and Kustoms (951) 656-9700 6236 River Crest Dr, Riverside, CA 92507.   Meeting time there is set as early as 11:30 am for those that want to show that early. Roll out time won't be till 12:30pm allowing enough time for the SD heads to get there and those guys that have to work till noon to get there.Joel will have a BBQ available for anyone that is hungry, but it is Bring Your Own EVERYTHING; food, condiments, drinks. You will be cooking up your own stuff. Google Map for this location is  Main Cruise Route will be the 60 West to 57 South to 22 West, Exit Beach Blvd and turn Left. Take Beach Blvd all the way until it ends and Turn Left at PCH and enter the 2nd Beach entrance on your right at Newland Street. Parking is around $10 so bring cash. Do not park immediately, but instead drive past the bathrooms to the back of the 2nd parking lot (which should be less crowded). Everyone will park together and then we can start claiming beach area to hang out at. Again this is Bring Your Own EVERYTHING; food, condiments, drinks. If you bring beer, BRING RED CUPS and NO GLASS BOTTLES. We will get a lot of attention from police, so red cups are a must.  Final Stop is Huntington State Beach, Huntington Beach, CA around 2pm.  Google Map for this location is
stsweep   +1y
  Yeah who's in for a weekend cruise/BBQ maybe????

I'm down. I'm sure I can drag a couple of my Sunset brothers out to play!
dragnlow   +1y

Count me in on this one....if I am home on time
dragndime   +1y
im there for sure
dtesilverado   +1y
Im in and ill try to get some of the guys to roll from DTE  
post photo
dtesilverado   +1y
Im in and ill try to get some of the guys to roll from DTE  
post photo
Kronicles   +1y
Edited: 6/19/2009 8:34:51 PM by Kronicles

Here's the "Event" thread I made. Which one is gonna be the official thread? posted by KroniclesSo this started out as just some BSing about who's in SoCal ( )and of course now it's gone to the next level. I've got three stops set so far on this thing and there is three weeks before it goes down. Not saying this will be great or anything like that, but I'm sure it'll be good fun! I want input on this one or I'm calling it off. I need help with the Escondido stop (escondido heads, where ya at??), and I'm not real sure on where we want to finish this thing at.  STOP #1: On the Border: Parkway Plaza103 Fletcher PkwyEl Cajon, CA 92020-2510 STOP #2: Somewhere in Escondido, just need some help with that one, I know there isn't a whole lot of places there, I think the Auto Zone could support us, just need someone to make that contact for me or remind me what street it's on. STOP #3: Extreme Audio & Kustoms6236 River Crest DrRiverside, CA 92507- STOP #4: A&G Custom Motoring5747 Whittier BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90022 STOP #5: Need some input on this one as well. I was kinda thinking Santa Monica Hooters, but not sure they can support the crowd we'll have there in any way shape or form for that matter. Especially right smack dab in the middle of the summer. AGAIN,    this thing happening is completely dependant on ya'll SoCal heads. How in depth I get with this will be decided upon the feedback I recieve. Keep in mind the awesome photo ops that will take place when we do this!! I plan on hitting one of the bridges going into L.A. from E.L.A. and get some great shots there. I'll even go one step further, I'm gonna call out Johnny O, if your not busy can you make this and get some shots as we roll??? Would be sweet if Street Source actually had someone cover this. I guess we'll see what they decide.  I look forward to the input on this!!!  Oscar
im sure we could round up a few no symp trucks from the south bay so la area spots are good for us
post up the info on as well the web editor is also a no symp member and a south bay resident who rolls out wih us