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West \  Socal Beach Cruise

Socal Beach Cruise

West Regional
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HotRodDime   +1y

OK, we could wait if we get more people interested in rolling with us? we will try to accomodate everyone, we just need to get it all fingered out so it's not a big cluster F&#$  :LOL:   
grillift   +1y
I'm with Tim! for the 12:30 at Joles ... cause I have to lock the door at 12:00 so me and Tim can haul ass to get to Joels buy
Johnny O   +1y
Sweet, sounds like progress. Keep it going.  So where are the San Diego people at? What time will you meet in Escondido (or where ever) in order to make it up to Joel's shop by 12-12:30?
Kronicles   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by SSM-Johnny O---------------------------------------------Originally posted by KroniclesI'll even go one step further, I'm gonna call out Johnny O, if your not busy can you make this and get some shots as we roll??? Would be sweet if Street Source actually had someone cover this. I guess we'll see what they decide.--------------------------------------------- Of course I'm in! Email me the final dates/stops/etc. and I'll try and make sure that my schedule is open. 1st weekend of August I'm booked as well as the weekend of the 22nd. ---------------------------------------------I got stuck with with duty so I'm not gonna make it, so pissed , but at least it's working out! I hope this brings on some great pics, it should since both Mike and Johnny O are gonna make it, can't wait to check them out after the fact. I can't believe I ain't gonna make this. Been waiting to get in on something like this for months and I get stuck on duty...
TufLuv80   +1y

Ok here we go my name is Jason Roley aka Roley Poley I am going to take charge of this for the SD area. If my timeline is correct SD has to leave around 8 to 830 at the latest to make it to Escondido around 915 to 930. Heres where we need help I need Xtreme Lows to contact me and let me know where we are going to stop and get together. I say chill there for around 45 to an hour and get onthe road no later than 1030! Once on the road we can roll to Joels shop and be there around 1145 to 1200ish. My next question is are we going to chill for about an hour then roll to aneheim for food or do you think I should get in touch with Joel and see if her can get a couple BBQ'S going? I need input on that!!!!  Next like Mike said we need someone to be the main leader and lead our glourious caravan through LA and down to the beach.  ANY SUGGESTIONS????   I have alot of planning and callling to do so I need input ASAP!!!!!   TXT ME AT 5417883356    Remember everyones input is taking into consideration and I want this to be an amazing turnout for something that Oscar and I have started.
TufLuv80   +1y

Oh one other thing I forgot to mention that on the 11th then angels are playing at home so there wont be any room near the stadium for us to park or do lunch.
Kronicles   +1y

Also, just in case anyone was thinking the Honda Center parking Lot, there's a Beyonce concert there that night, so that one is out as well. I'm thinking the Dave & Busters Parking lot over at The Block just down the road, up to ya'll to make that call though since I won't be able to attend. Also on the flip side is a Carls Jr. and a Krispy Kreme, that are right off City Dr., I'll double check that on my way home this weekend for ya'll.

dajizz   +1y

Hooters Moreno Valley is literaly across the freeway from Joels shop. Plenty of parking and they cater to us mintrukers!
Kronicles   +1y

Sup Jon, the Riverside stop is set as Extreme Audio, I already talked to Joel on that, just have to let him know I won't make it. The question is do we ask Joel if he can get a couple grills and throw down some grub as we roll in or do we roll to Anaheim area, stop and pick up the next batch, and then roll to the beach and wrap this thing up??? I'm thinkin it would be best to get to the beach and enjoy some grub, football, and ol' fashioned mini-truckin comradarie?? That's for ya'll to decide over the next few days though.
Johnny O   +1y
If we're meeting up around 12ish at Joel's shop and there are huge events going on in Anaheim then I don't see why we couldn't get some grub going at the shop. It only makes sense. I'll call him and double check that this doesn't throw a wrench into his work day.